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发表于 2011-11-2 22:38:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Of all the manifestations* of power, restraint in the use of that power impresses people most.”*manifestations: apparent signs or indicators Explain what you think this quotation means and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with it. Develop your position with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from history, current events, or your own experience, observations, or reading.今天的模写出现第三个例子观点提纲上有,但来不及写的情况,不知各位有没有什么好的建议。谢谢

Recently there is a debate whether the manifestation of power should be obvious or obscure. Some people, as are well-known and have always been advocated, assert that the restraint in the use of that power impresses people most, while other people believe that the manifestation of power is a reasonable pressure to citizens. This issue is complex and controversial. Therefore, there is no universal answer to this question. Whether one kind of expression of power takes precedence over the other may quite depend on the specific circumstances. The decision is hard to make. We have to ask a case-by-case analysis for a help to plunge deeply into this issue. As far as I am concerned, I agree that the manifestation of power should demonstrate a fierce pressure on people, and do not agree that under light lawful environment, all people will play their roles carefully. My point of view comes from the following statements.

Media is called the third power of policy, which means it focuses on some special topics of our daily life and on the rules of government. Many television programs tell stories of crime, which include a lot of young adult's cases. A boy named Li XU killed 3 person in a row at a bar one night. When he was caught, he refused to commit the crime. Then, the police got the information that he was spoiled by his family. At last, when he was on his way to the death execution, his family borrowed an anonymous car to find their son's body. When the journalist asked them, they cried sadly and regretted that they were too kind to their child, without teaching him to respect people even people's life.

For the other thing, we always see the government treated one situation with two criteria, and all events happened cannot find their reference under the public legal discipline. Take Iraq war as an example, the US bursts fire suddenly under an ambiguous reason. Now they confront to the problem, all natives complain to their former words. The US government does not supply a harmonious environment for this area. What is worse, they created a nightmare for this area. From this point, the government considers the strict discipline a threat to their position, so they do not present a concise idea to their people, conducting a loosen environment, which is very dangerous.

To sum up, all these perceptions mentioned above have a correlated relationship with each other in order to create a more correct whole to this issue, and we could comfortably conclude that for many reasons, the government should demonstrate a big pressure of power to its people.

The following appeared in the health section of a magazine on trends and lifestyles:

People who use the artificial sweetener aspartame are better off consuming sugar, since aspartame can actually contribute to weight gain rather than weight loss. For example, high levels of aspartame have been shown to trigger a craving for food by depleting the brain of a chemical that registers satiety, or the sense of being full. Furthermore, studies suggest that sugars, if consumed after at least 45 minutes of continuous exercise, actually enhance the body’s ability to burn fat. Consequently, those who drink aspartame-sweetened juices after exercise will also lose this calorie-burning benefit. Thus it appears that people consuming aspartame rather than sugar are unlikely to achieve their dietary goals.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

In the argument, the author concludes that people consuming aspartame rather than sugar are unlikely to achieve their dietary goals. To support his recommendation, the author points out that one product named aspartame can contribute to weight gain rather than weight loss. In addition, the author reasons that high levels of aspartame in food create an effect in brain with a chemical function. Furthermore, he also cites sugar studies' result that sugar assimilation after exercise enhance the body’s ability to burn fat and that those who drink aspartame-sweetened juices after exercise will also lose this calorie-burning benefit. At first glance, this argument appears quite appealing; however a close examination will reveal how groundless it is. We do not have to see very far of the invalidity of the argument. This argument is problematic for the following reasons. And the further reflection unveils that the arguer omits a variety of important concerns to support his recommendation.

In the first place, as we all know, sugar appears in our life under various styles. Some appear in foods, some appear in medicines. Therefore, the author makes a mistake that his product cannot substitute all kinds of sugar in our life. Since he doesn't mentioned how many kinds of product does his company opposes. The sugar in fruits and sugar in medicines will absolutely consumed by the citizens.

In the second place, the author's conclusion based on an assumption that we people consume only aspartame products instead of regular meals. But this situation is rare and therefore unrealistic, because almost nobody will change their diet so dramatically that all their tastes just go to one product. Then the high level of aspartame will be assimilated with regular sugar diet, and the sugar-like nutrition will be too much for a person.

In the third place, cited as an example in support of the author's recommendation, sugar studies' result that sugar assimilation after exercise enhance the body’s ability to burn fat and that those who drink aspartame-sweetened juices after exercise will also lose this calorie-burning benefit is fixed in a strict premise, for the reason that all statistics are realized after at least 45 minutes of exercise. Not only the tutors but also the club members in the gym do their exercise without a fixed timetable, that is to say, they will not obey the strict time restraint. Then the influence of the taste product is unknown from the announcement.

In conclusion, the author fails to demonstrate some important evidence to prove that his company's products can totally substitute all kinds of sugar food that are existed in the world. As it stands, the author's examples are too set-up as I am concerned. To strengthen his recommendation, the author has to show more data according to the aspartame assimilation by people. And we have to know more additional detailed information in order to make a correct decision.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-2 22:41:45 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-3 23:15:59 | 只看该作者

2011年11月3日 issue5

“All groups and organizations should function as teams in which everyone makes decisions and shares  esponsibilities and duties. Giving one person central authority and responsibility for a project or task is not aneffective way to get work done.” To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above? Support your views with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from your own work or school experiences, your observations, or your reading.

Is it accurate to give everyone in teams the right to make decisions and to share responsibilities and duties, as the speaker asserts? Recently, there is a debate over whether a project or task should offer each person in this team the same authority. Some people, as are well-known and have often been advocated, assert that equality of responsibility is good to a healthy team, while other people believe that a team should put administration power to a leader. This issue is a complex and controversial one, different people hold different views due to their distinct backgrounds. There is no universal answer to this question, and whether one choice takes precedence over the other may quite depend on the specific situations. Actually, without weighing relative circumstances, people practically narrow the opinion to an extreme, thereby giving rise to a distortion of the original intention underlying this issue. As far as I am concerned, however, I agree that most targets should be performed under one leadership. My point of view can be greatly substantiated by the following discussions.

In the first place, separated responsibility will retard the schedule of a project. A famous CEO Shi WANG said that, most of decisions are alternative and parallel. He mentioned that many two-part decisions’s success rate is 50 to 50 per cent after he finished so many strategies. The most important aspect is time of making the decision. Then, we could assume a bold hypothesis that time would double or even triple when everyone shares the decision authority. And that is a waste of resources in a group or an organization.

With a set up decision, result will be good or bad. That is the truth that we have to confront to. When failure is on the table, what will be the next step and who will be asked to give a explanation of this failure is difficult to handle. The reason is that a target spends too much time and too many discussions among the team workers. However, punishment is useful in a group, for the reason that to correct those disadvantages build up a nice appearance of the organization. The image of company is also a competing strength. Thus, we cannot ignore the complicity in teams in which everyone makes decisions and shares responsibilities and duties to find the final speak man in public.

Admittedly, someone might argue that the famous Manhattan Plan was made through many individual divisions and that they treat their own responsibility of this whole plan. We can also find another example, the NASA works with Russian astronauts for the space station laboratory; they share the same authority of this plan. However, this two alone does not constitute a sufficient support to claim that all groups and organizations should function as teams in which everyone makes decisions and shares responsibilities and duties. Actually, these cases are rare and too specific to strengthen the view.

To sum up, due to the above mentioned perceptions, which sometimes correlate with each other to generate an integrate whole and thus become more convincing than any single one of them, we may be safe to say that a group should offer the power of decision and action to its members on concerning the urgency and importance.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-6 07:50:09 | 只看该作者

2011年11月5日 argument

The following appeared in the editorialsection of a corporate newsletter:
The common notion that workers are generally apathetic aboutmanagement issues is false, or at least outdated: a recently published surveyindicates that 79 percent of the nearly 1,200 workers who responded to survey questionnairesexpressed a high level of interest in the topics of corporate restructuring andredesign of benefits programs.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

In this argument, the author predicts thatworkers are generally interested in management issues. To bolster hisconclusion, the author points out a recently published survey that 79 percentof the nearly 1,200 workers who responded to survey questionnaires expressed ahigh level of interest in the topics of corporate restructuring and redesign ofbenefits programs. In addition, the author assumes that topics of corporaterestructuring and redesign of benefits programs canvass the whole range ofmanagement issues. At first glance, this argument appears to be somewhatappealing, but a close examination will reveal how groundless it is. Therefore,this argument is problematic; after a further reflection that established bythe following reasons, we can see that the arguer ignores several importantaspects about this argument.

In the first place, as we can see in thefirst paragraph, the arguer commits a fallacy of range oversimplification.Those workers surveyed show big curiosity over issues such as corporaterestructuring and redesign of benefits programs. However, management issuecovers more topics such as human resource, marketing in emerging economy powersand forecast about the trend of productivity, etc. These two choices are justabout the reconstruction of company, thus the survey cannot indicate that mostworkers prefer talking about management issues.

In the second place, as a matter of fact,there are more than two questions in a survey. From the newsletter, we can findout two topics, which seem to be in one question. Then what are the otherproblems. We can suppose a bold hypothesis that most of the workers surveyed chooseother non management issues, demonstrating that they prefer other kind oftopics rather than the manage one. So, more detailed questions are needed inthis consideration.

In the third place, those two topicsmentioned in the former statement are issues of employment, because when acompany starts a strategy of restructure or redesign, it cuts costs such aspurchasing the raw material and keeping a large number of employees. From thispoint, the workers perhaps are concerning their future instead of interested inmanagement issues. Unemployment means an inferior level of life to thesepeople, and they won't like suffering a difficult life after reassignment.Thus, we need to know other choices in this survey.

In conclusion, this argument lacks certainpivotal aspects about the accuracy of the argument. The arguer bypasses many sensiblepoints of management issues in one company, but these points can judge thecuriosity of workers in a company. So, the author should demonstrate additionaldetailed information about the survey and the workers surveyed, and only inthis way we can make out a more correct conclusion about this issue.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-6 08:44:47 | 只看该作者

sunshine issue6 2011年11月6日 微博

There is only one definition of success—to be able to spend yourlife in your own way.”
To what extent do you agree or disagreewith this definition of success? Support your position by using reasons and examplesfrom your reading, your own experience, or your observation of others.  6

Is it true that success means to be able tospend your life in your own way, as the speaker asserts? Recently, there is adebate over whether following each person's own mind leads to success. Somepeople, as are well-known and have always been advocated, assert that thosepeople who keep their own style face to success at last, while other people believethe opposite circumstance. Therefore, this issue is a complex and controversialone. Different people hold different opinion due to their distinct backgrounds.Whether one assertion takes precedence over the other may quite depend on thespecific situations. Without weighing certain aspects relevant to this issue,people practically narrow the deep nature of this issue. As far as I amconcerned, I agree that success achieved through hard work, and that differentpeople get to it by different style. My view strongly substantiated by thefollowing discussions.

All men are created equal. People have theright to chase their dream. That is true, however, who tells a person what is adream and what is your dream. I think first of all, we have to establish theassessment of success ourselves. When a person was in his childhood, he learnedmuch different knowledge and made a lot of judgments. At that time, there isalways a guide who teaches him to be right. Thus, character, personality, senseof value and sense of responsibility created at that period. Then people have adream in their mind. So, I cannot tell that it is whose life style and whoseown way of life, because that is the other people who tell you what is asuccessful style.

For the other thing, the speaker ignores avery important aspect to reach your goal. That is hard work! Cite the firstBlack mayor of New York City, David A. Paterson, as a good example. He was notclever in his childhood, and what he remembers only is a sentence spoken by hisprimary school director: Do as a mayor do. He did not know what a mayor is, buthe has hands and time to search that information. He noted all the lines aboutmayor in his notebook and forced himself to do as a mayor. Finally, he succeeds.And he uses diaries to record what difficulties he met in his way to be a realmayor. From this example, we can also proudly assert that you can succeed evenin other people's way of life.

Admittedly, some people may argue thatartists such as Van Gogh reach their goal in a specific way, which can becalled their own way of life. However, these cases are rare and weak to supportthe assertion that only by spending your life in your own way you can make yourdream come true.

To sum up, all perceptions mentioned aboveare somehow correlative to each other, and all of them establish an integratewhole to consider this issue. We might feel safe to say that no matter what isthe way to success, you have to keep fighting and take a rest after a period toconsult the strong and weak part of your way of life. Then you can get a morecorrect assessment of yourself.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-9 01:04:34 | 只看该作者
The following appeared in the opinion column of a financial magazine:“On average, middle-aged consumers devote 39 percent of their retail expenditure to department store products and services, while for younger consumers the average is only 25 percent. Since the number of middle-aged people will increase dramatically within the next decade, department stores can expect retail sales to increase significantly during that period. Furthermore, to take advantage of the trend, these stores should begin to replace some of those products intended to attract the younger consumer with products intended to attract the middle-aged consumer.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

In this argument, the author predicts that retail sales of department stores will soar within the next decade and that these stores should replace some of the products intended to attract the younger customers with products intended to attract the middle-aged customers. To bolster his assertion, the author points out an promising expansion of the number of middle-aged people. Furthermore, he also cites the statistics relevant to the occupation of retail expenditure to department store products in different aged person's habit of purchase. At first glance, the author's argument appears to be somewhat appealing, but a thorough examination will reveal how groundless it is. We do not have to look very far to see the invalidity of this argument. It is problematic for the following reasons. And the further reflection below unveils that the author omits several important concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument.

In the first place, the author commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because the positive appreciation about the number of middle-aged people occurred before the dramatically increase of retail sales of department store, the former event is responsible for the latter. However, the fact that expectation has some relations to the sales increase does not necessarily prove that the expectation lead to a sales prosperity. Thus, this is fallacious unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out.

In the second place, the author falsely depends on gratuitous assumption that those additional middle-aged people will significantly larger the consumer group. However, no evidence is stated in the argument to support this assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. Because those middle-aged people derived from their younger counterparts, it is more likely that they would keep their preference of department store products. Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility.

In the third place, the time to realize the arguer's goal is a little bit long according to the article in the column of financial magazine that the result would be seen after a decade. However, during a period longer than five years, the products will change their functions, designs and materials. Start replacing different products would cause the convert of customer's taste. So, we cannot claim that the replacement will meet its goal.

In conclusion, the author fails to provide adequate justification for this strategy of sale. As it stands, the claims do not constitute a logical argument in favor of the recommendation. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to demonstrate evidence to prove that those middle-aged people added show the same purchase preference as the middle-aged people today. To better assess the argument, we need additional detailed information about the percentage of purchase power so that we can establish the conclusion whether we could set up for commercial purpose to replace some of the younger consumer's department store products.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-9 01:40:10 | 只看该作者

欢迎点评 谢谢 iss6

The best way to give advice to other people is to find out what they want and then advise them how to attain it. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

Is it awkward that one has to know what others like if he wants to give them an advice, as the speaker asserts? Recently, books and novels concerning the best way to convince or persuade people are becoming a fashion. As a matter of fact, dual effects have been shown upon methods of giving advices. Different people hold different opinions due to their distinct backgrounds. Therefore, whether knowing what people want takes precedence over without taking into account what people demand may quite depend on the specific situations. Actually, without weighing relative circumstances, people practically narrow the opinion to an extreme, thereby giving rise to a distortion of the original intention underlying this issue. As far as I am concerned, however, I suppose that the claim assumes a mindlessly limited view of advice, ignoring certain aspects of it that are undermined by the advisor.

Most importantly, the advisors have to assess the demand of the advice takers. People all have this experience, when you were in your childhood; you stared at nothing but candies and toys. You didn't know what your relatives advised you just because your acceptance is limited and because your comprehension of language is short. What is useful to you is body languages and facial expressions. Sometimes the advisors even do not know what a child demands, at that moment, they divine the product wanted or make some grimace to draw away the child's attention. To this point, we cannot deny the efficiency of those advices.

For the other thing, as the bible said, people have seven sins, which signify that people have lusts and bad ideas. The advisor has to stop those ideas by using strict disciplines and sharp announcements. It is better to punish the advice taker in order to restraint his violent opinions. Because when incidents happen, it is too late to regret.

Admittedly, someone might argue that teachers could give students good guidance if they know what kind of student that the advice taker is. Nowadays, pupils have been exposed to various attractions that they cannot judge what is right and what is wrong to the society. After a long time of confusion, they develop psychology cases. Good teachers are needed because they can tell where the problem is and how a student can assess an issue rapidly and correctly. Hence, this circumstance constitute a support to the claim that it is a good way to give advice to other people is to find out what they want and then advise them how to attain it.

To sum up, due to the above mentioned perceptions, which sometimes correlate with each other to generate an integrate whole and thus become more convincing than any single one of them, we may feel safe to allege that people could choose either an explicit way or an implicit way to give others advices, that depend on the specific situations.

 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-9 11:16:08 | 只看该作者

2011年11月9日 上午 issue7

“For hundreds of years, the monetary system of most countries has been based on the exchange of metal coins and printed pieces of paper. However, because of recent developments in technology, the international community should consider replacing the entire system of coins and paper with a system of electronic accounts of credits and debits.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

Is it possible to replace the entire system of coins and paper with a system of electronic account of credits and debits in favor of the recent developments in technology, as the speaker asserts? Recently, there is a debate over this question. Some people, as are well-known and have often been advocated, assert that we should use a system of electronic accounts of credits and debits, while other people believe that we would profit more with the help of coins and paper money. As a matter of fact, dual effects have been shown upon the form of currency. Different people hold different views due to their distinct backgrounds. Therefore, whether one choice takes precedence over the other may quite depend on the specific situations. Actually, without weighing relative circumstances, people always practically narrow the opinion to an extreme, thereby giving rise to a distortion of the original intention underlying this issue. As far as I am concerned, I suppose that the claim assumes a mindlessly limited view of currency system, ignoring certain aspects of it that are undermined by the stability of electronic infrastructure. My view can be greatly substantiated by the following discussions.

As we all know, trade happens everywhere. People are living as moving wallets that they change their position and location all the time, making one currency impossible to satisfy their daily life. Cite the bus credit card within one country as an example. When people travel from one province to another, the former credit card cannot fit the new system of bus station in another province. Thus, we have to buy a new card and fulfill another bunch of money into it. But, with too many cards on you, your journey will be frustrated. From this point of view, it is impossible to concentrate or integrate all currency systems into one system, cannot asking for more that stores and service centers share the same currency type.

In addition, nowadays, the credits and debits are calculated by banks all over the world. However, the bank network has not canvassed every corner in the world yet. We can find out many places where the precious metals or coins are favored in. What's more, a bank will face to the risk of bankrupt. When the worst thing happens, people need to exchange their electronic credits to real money. I predict that the coins and paper money would be more useful at that time.

Admittedly, someone might argue that the online shopping has been a trend today, and the electronic money functions well online. However, this alone does not constitute a sufficient support to claim that because of recent developments in technology, the international community should consider replacing the entire system of coins and paper with a system of electronic accounts of credits and debits. Actually, these cases are rare and therefore are too specific and too weak to strengthen that view.

To sum up, due to the above mentioned perceptions, which sometimes correlate with each other to generate an integrate whole and thus become more convincing than any single one of them, we may be comfortable to say that the trade needs both style of the above two currencies.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-10 10:33:18 | 只看该作者


[数学讨论稿1] 石越而是其输血讨论稿1-100 ——bykrischao
[数学讨论稿2] 石越而是其输血讨论稿101-200 ——by路宇希
[数学讨论稿3]石越而是其输血讨论稿201-300 ——bylingdang123
[数学讨论稿4]石越而是其输血讨论稿301-400  ——bykrischao
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-10 12:14:31 | 只看该作者

2011年11月10日 issue 习作 562words

The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper:
“This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college programs. The other 12,000 Waymarsh students evidently weren’t so concerned about their education: they either stayed on campus or left for winter break. Since the group who did not protest is far more numerous, it is more representative of the state’s college students than are the protesters. Therefore the state legislature need not heed the appeals of the protesting students.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

In this argument, the author predicts that it is more representative of the state’s college students than are the protesters. To bolster his assertion, the author points out a students' contention to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college programs. In addition, the author reasons that the number of Waymarsh students who were stayed on campus or left for winter break is more than that who traveled to the state capitol building. Furthermore, he also cites the accurate number gap to support his claim. At first glance, the author's argument appears to be somewhat attracting, but a thorough examination will uncover how groundless it is. We do not have to look very far to see the invalidity of this argument. It is problematic for the following reasons. And the further reflection below tells that the author omits certain important concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument.

In the first place, the author falsely depends on gratuitous assumption that those students who were stayed on campus or left for winter break do not attend to this campaign for their own rights that they neither pay attention to other protests works nor assist these protests to collect information and supports. However, no evidence is stated in the argument to support this assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, it is more likely that those students who didn't go to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college programs are going to other cities where other students are waiting for their information and plan of contention. Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility.

In the second place, the argument rests on the assumption that those students who didn't come is analogous to detestation of this huge campaign of college students. This assumption is weak, since although there are points of comparison between students and organization of campaign, there is much dissimilarity as well. For example, all students voted to choose who would go to the state capital for the reason that they observed the influence of the petition troupe, which would cause congestions and police interferences. Thus, they limited the number of participants in order to minimize those negative impressions of contention. From this point of view, we should say that all students feel responsible to the country and proud to this campaign. So, the arguer ignores the detailed causal aspects of the number gap.

In the third place, the evidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. As in a protest, we can utilize different types of petition, such as SMS service, telephone calls and online forums. Perhaps, there are more students than the protesters at the state capital, and the former establish the network of petition for the stable basement of those protesters.

In conclusion, the author fails to provide adequate justification for the rational statement of his claim. As it stands, the conclusion does not constitute a logical argument in favor of the position of governors. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to demonstrate evidence to prove that those students who did not come are totally opponents to this protest. To better assess the argument, we need additional detailed information about that point so that we can establish the conclusion whether the arguer's statement is right.
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