At the time of the Mexican agrarian revoution, the most radical faction, that of Zapata and his followers, proposed a return to communal ownership of [ land, to what had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spaniards] 我来解释一下吧~ 这道题的意思是, propose a return to commuanl ownership of land, (a return) to what had been pre-COlumbian form of ownership. 如果选B的话 那个a form of 就是修饰Land了~可是land 跟a form of完全不搭边~ 所以这道题再次印证了,GMAT语法考得是逻辑 这一观点 -- by 会员 jamesyl327 (2011/11/11 16:25:49)
我想问下我们经常用同位语来解决定语从句就近修饰的问题 而且证明这是GMAC 的perference 这里的a form为什么是修饰land 而不是修饰ownership? 加一句prep对同位语的解释“a)起修饰语的作用,一般用于修饰名词或名词短语;同位语解释的是整个名词,不是名短中某个词,故同位语不是核心词修饰。” 而且从来没遇到过说同位语像which一样有就近修饰的问题啊?
还有我看了解释啊 他说to what是定语从句 也就像to which一样 并不是省略了a return 而且如果是(a return)to what 那更不逻辑了吧 return怎么会成为一个form呢? 感谢帮助 |