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掐表练笔欢迎互改GMAT AWA作文

发表于 2011-10-21 18:21:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
2011年10月21日 argument4

The following appeared in an announcement issued by the publisher of The Mercury, a weekly newspaper:“Since a competing lower-priced newspaper, The Bugle, was started five years ago, The Mercury’s circulation has declined by 10,000 readers. The best way to get more people to read The Mercury is to reduce its price below that of The Bugle, at least until circulation increases to former levels. The increased circulation of The Mercury will attract more businesses to buy advertising space in the paper.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

Currently, a weekly newspaper, The Mercury has spilt out a means that its administrate group thought was the best to get more people to read its product is to reduce its price below that of The Bugle, a competing lower-priced newspaper, at least until circulation increases to former levels. Moreover, they allege that this increased circulation of The Mercury will attract more businesses to buy advertising space in the paper. Cited as menace to the Mercury's business, the publisher of Mercury presented their loosing part on subscription which would be due to The Bugle started five years ago. To make sure that this idea can make sense in Mercury's business, we have to consider several assumptions.

Readers of weekly newspapers pay attention to the content of this kind of paper-material media, thus we have to know about what exactly these two newspapers are. In the announcement, the author hasn't showed the concerns of information, so we cannot tell the reason why 10,000 readers have rejected their loyalty to The Mercury was because the presence of The Bugle. For instance, if articles of The Mercury totally part company with the truth, readers would feel deceived by journalists. Then they will refuse to continue buying this publisher's products.

Admittedly, competition is very important for the survival of an industry, so does in the publisher part. Price way is a favorite weapon used by many businessmen. However, we cannot find details which show the difference between those two newspapers. Because the value of product depends on raw material, marketing, journalists and background of policy etc, decreasing the price would destroy the whole chain of business, especially of sales sometimes.

More importantly, the devise makers have added the advertising profit at the end of announcement. As we all know, different kinds of paper-material media attract different of investment of advertisements. We could make a bold suspension that these two famous rival publishers are in charge of those science achievements. That's to say they only serve for a small clique of readers, and it is really a hard job to choose the very advertisement added into newspapers. It's always the government who support the research.

For conclusion, The Mercury's announcement doesn't tell exactly the reason of their loosing proportion in the sales. Furthermore, they noticed the profit of advertise a little bit early than a deep analysis. Their hope to boost The Mercury's circulation is weak. We have to know more information about the problem.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-21 18:23:14 | 只看该作者

2011年10月21日 issue2

It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.”Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

We human-beings never shouted that we have enough resources or the Earth is rich of energy or else we can one day find the substitute of energy which helps to solve the severe "energy lacking" calamity. Every country has written it into their memorandum to protect energy. Collaboration among countries has been established many years ago, and it still plays an important role not only politically but also economically. As far as I am concerned, it is necessary to conserve energy under a frame of international and worldwide cooperation if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.

On many sentimental profit issues, strong power compels those weak. After the Second World War, organizations such as The UN, WTO, WHO and UNESCO have been punched together for worldwide problems. With the help of these organizations, developing countries have found their voice. For example, WTO has ruled taboos of trade war; it stands cases for developing countries demands about those tough situations when their domestic products face a refusing of entry to other countries. International organization judged these cases fairly and then prevents to all nations over the world the same discipline of playing. To some extent, there are fewer sacrifices. And emerging nations seize their rights.

For the other thing, many profit groups nowadays use illegal ways to interfere the problem of energy protection. They sent different messages to different countries in order to disturb the order of world balance. If we want to fight with this crisis individually, our strength is so weak that we cannot make deal with so many countries in a short time. Then we call help to worldwide organizations. In summits and conferences, countries made important compromise together, which facilitate the procedure to raise fund for energy protection and for defending of these illegal group.

Lastly, I want to show you an example: the US refused to sign on the compact of Bruxel, which restrict every involving country to decrease its releasing greenhouse gas. If every country plays their own role, maybe they will take America as an example and refuse to sign later.

To sum, it is necessary to conserve energy under a frame of international and worldwide cooperation if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations. And all countries have to show their step to their citizens.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-23 22:30:44 | 只看该作者

掐表练笔欢迎互改2011年10月23日argu5 微博:

The following appeared in a report presented for discussion at a meeting of the directors of a company that
manufactures parts for heavy machinery:
“The falling revenues that the company is experiencing coincide with delays in manufacturing. These
delays, in turn,are due in large part to poor planning in purchasing metals. Consider further that the
manager of the department that handles purchasing of raw materials has an excellent background in general
business, psychology, and sociology, but knows little about the properties of metals. The company should,
therefore, move the purchasing manager to the sales department and bring in a scientist from the research
division to be manager of the purchasing department.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

Directors of a company that manufactures parts for heavy machinery have noticed a decrease of revenues, and
they have found the main reason to this problem is delays in manufacturing. They thought that these delays
due in large part to poor planning in purchasing metals. So they wanted to make a change in leading part of
several departments. They hoped that the exchange among three departments, which were research, sales, and
purchasing division, would solve the problem of delays in manufacturing. However, their opinion has some
other points to consider, and we must put them on the desk to ascertain their next step of strategy.

Primarily, as we can see from the report, they mentioned that delays are due in large part to poor planning
in purchasing metals. Then what are the other factors that influence the manufacturing procedure, they
haven't told us. Let's propose a bold hypothesis: when the whole company meets a capital lacking issue, it
will cut costs for purchasing and advertising to keep the business moving. When the whole business
environment is in a recession mode and there is few raw material on market, the company's manager have to
confront to the crisis and come out with an idea to make the lost shortest. That's to say, perhaps for the
past few hard weeks; those managers in purchasing division have already made the optimized decisions.

For the other thing, how long does this abnormal phenomenon occurred in the company for heavy machinery,
all the measurements should be justice and the decision should based on a large pool of statistics. If the
circumstance that this report talked about is happened only several days ago, that shouldn't be a problem,
we could deal it as a range adjustment.

Lastly, a scientist may not fit purchasing manager position because they are different kind of people.
Since the business must be to achieve on their own value, in order to maintain the survival of the creation
of the foundation, then it must be achieved to win the profits. Therefore, the business value of their own
in order to achieve a large extent, is to make money, then have the following these models can be used as a
way to make money: to make money on resources, such as there is a taxi operating licenses, the internal
electricity price ...However,1. On the minds of money, a scientist's thinking ability on technology or
planning or forward-looking vision of the product will decrease. And 2. Rely on money to make money, which
is what a manager does. He or she accumulates human resources and business information. A manager of
purchasing must foresee the price trend of material needed. On this point, I think no scientist in a
laboratory who doesn't have any experience about that could make deal with suppliers.

All in all, people who want to change the situation in their company have to think about more factors on
manufacturing processes, such as environment of business, supply of raw material and capital of company
etc. Simply dedicate the reason to purchasing manager's decision is not right.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-30 22:33:51 | 只看该作者
The following appeared as part of an article in a magazine devoted to regional life:
“Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

The author of an article in a magazine concludes that corporations should build up their chains and plants in the city of Helios and seek new business opportunities and locations in this place because during the recent recession, in the region of Helios, the unemployment rate was low and the industry center plays a good role to provide jobs to citizens. However, this conclusion lacks some concerns, and the author's idea of contributing to a better regional life in unconvincing.

Initially, this article claims that Helios is attempting to expand its economic base, while the administration and presentation of this action is not mentioned in the article. So, results of this continue-boost action of economic and employment stimulation maybe a promising performance, but the rejection of entrepreneurs is a threat of waiting. Perhaps, this realm lies in a mandatory appeal of local government of Helios, which is afraid of the power of recession and is seeking to preserve its economic base. Hence, when other companies appear in this area, they will finally feel difficult to run their business with many restrictions.

For the other thing, it is the industrial center of the region whose merits optimize the structure of this region's economy. However, Helios wants to change its existed economic structure to one that focuses on research and development of innovative technologies. This idea commits a fallacy of assuming that all investments and all professional IT scientists that needed will be right in position when this project starts. But these resources are very rare in the world, even now.

Lastly, the author assumes that the over-providing-job industry centre works well in this region. Unfortunately, this assumption has no supports given in this article. With overwhelming pressure precedent of all other pressures, such as costs of raw material, the industry centre confronts a severe crisis of collapse these days. It can not afford to diffuse so many new jobs anymore. We should do more research on the efficiency of this action.

Apparently, only knowing the unemployment rate achievement and industry centre's movement can not dedicate to a bold accumulation of IT or other corporations. What's worse is that maybe the truth is the number of labor force in the region is decreasing for a long time, which shields the good note of the unemployment rate. We have to know more details about the region's economy performance.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-30 23:17:25 | 只看该作者
“Corporations and other businesses should try to eliminate the many ranks and salary grades that classify employees according to their experience and expertise. A ‘flat’ organizational structure is more likely to encourage collegiality and cooperation among employees.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

Nowadays, structure of colleagues in a company is complex, not only in a international business corporation, but also in a tiny impress factory. There are different divisions in a company, which light up their own business and make their profits themselves. That is to say, every part shares a special target in this huge branch of team. Whether the organizational structure should be "flat" or "fluctuant" depends on type of the corporation and business. In my point of view, complicate structure is more used in corporations and business.

The word "MBA" is often heard when you are working. Sometimes employers demand to company's board to have one or two gap year, in French "Congé", in order to realize a profound learning in one of the famous business schools at home or abroad. These people are trained more suitable for allocate resources, including human resources and substance resources, instead of manufacturing. They need more experience and knowledge in his or her own business area. This work is a supporting part of long-term objective of one company. So, obviously these workers are highly gifted in structure. They oppose those superior positions and oppose a macroeconomic insight.

Admittedly, ranks and salary grades tell us clearly the difference between different kinds of work. With help of money, we can even tell the position of the worker by what he or she wears or eats. Encouraged by products, employees show big incentives on their targets. From this claim, we could make a bold hypothesis that people will lose motivation to afford some contribution to their team. Then, the corporation will lose its innovative power which is a strong weapon to fight to survive in the fierce business war.

As we all know, the US government reacts rapidly when Standard&oor decrease the US country's rate of credit. Why the government wants to correct this not-so-good test note, because it can receive more investments when it is in high position. I think the credit is another competitive power, and it is always ignored by employees. Despite salary grade and ranks, credit and respect are also important among a group. For example, I know on a ship, the captain shares the same salary with his sailors, which shows his generosity and kindness to his fellows. And this action encourages his fellows to work for him and to follow him when he is in trouble.

In sum, sometimes a "flat" organization works better than a conceiving structure. However, every coin has two sides, we should also know the advantage of a big structure. Furthermore, there are other aspects such as respect and credit can assist a "thin and flat" structure, in order to make it not so weak apparently.
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