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[SC悬赏令] Season 2——manhattan 32(已点评)

发表于 2011-10-20 05:05:32 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-10-20 09:00:28 | 只看该作者
32. The health commissioner said that the government had implemented strict measures to eradicate the contaminated food and, despite the recent illnesses, it will try to prevent the outbreak from recurring in the future.
A it will try
B that it tried
C it had tried
D it would have tried
E that it would try
-- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/10/19 9:36:39)

E, verb form, parallelism
发表于 2011-10-20 12:16:59 | 只看该作者
32. The health commissioner said that the government had implemented strict measures to eradicate the contaminated food and, despite the recent illnesses, it will try to prevent the outbreak from recurring in the future.
A it will try
B that it tried
C it had tried
D it would have tried
E that it would try
-- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/10/19 9:36:39)

the health commissioner said that the government had ...+and it had...
发表于 2011-10-20 19:46:41 | 只看该作者
32. The health commissioner said that the government had implemented strict measures to eradicate the contaminated food and, despite the recent illnesses, it will try to prevent the outbreak from recurring in the future.
A it will try
B that it tried
C it had tried
D it would have tried
E that it would try

The original sentence has two mistakes. First, omitting “that” destroys parallelism. The meaning of the sentence should be “The health commissioner said that… and that…”. So, we need that to make the elements parallel.
Second, the verb tenses are inconsistent: “will” should be substituted by “would”.
Choice A: The sentence lacks parallelism, and the tenses are not consistent.
Choice B: The use of that makes the sentence parallelism. However, tried is not the right verb tense the sentence requires.
Choice C: This sentence also lacks parallelism, and the tenses are not consistent.
Choice D: This sentence lacks parallelism, since it omits that. Would have tried is not the required verb tense: would have done indicates something that never happens in the past. (E.g. If you had told me the truth yesterday, I would never have beaten you. )
However, here we need a tense that indicates future, so what we need is would do.
Choice E: Correct Answer
For more information about this question, you may refer to OG12 Q139

首先,对于平行:当句子逻辑是,一个人说/做(等动词)一件事 and 另一件事的时候,如果第一件事用that从句引出,第二件事一定也要用that从句引出,以保证平行。
例句:Tom tells me that Diana will marry him the next year and that they will hold a wedding in Los Angles.
这里Tom说了两件事,一件事:Diana will marry him the next year;另一件事:they will hold a wedding in Los Angles
同理,这道题也是health commissioner说了两件事:the government had implemented strict measures to eradicate the contaminated food和it(the government) would try to prevent the outbreak from recurring in the future。因此,第二个从句的that一定要补出,来保证平行。
而对于时态,我们要注意的是:并不是说一个句子中要求一定要出现多种时态。不同时态的出现,是因为句子需要表达出纵向时间跨度。比如此题,过去完成时(had implemented)的出现,是因为要表示implement这个动作出现在tell之前;而过去完成时(would try)的出现,是因为它可以表明try这个动作发生在tell这个动作之后。

我是这么理解的,读句子首先要抓主干,插入语的话只是一个插入语,它不构成句子主干。上面我也说到了用say that A and that B是表明一个人说了【事件A】和【事件B】,每一个that都是用来引导一个事件的。那在本题中的那个【插入语】其实就相当于给【事件B】加了一个前提,所以并不影响平行,right?

本次精华楼层:2楼 clover033             3楼majestywhite

最后友情提示~这道题强烈建议大家一起和OG Q139一起看~太像啦!!!
-- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/10/19 9:36:39)

发表于 2011-12-9 17:35:54 | 只看该作者
32. The health commissioner said that the government had implemented strict measures to eradicate the contaminated food and, despite the recent illnesses,
   it will try
to prevent the outbreak from recurring in the future.
A it will try
B that it tried
C it had tried
D it would have tried
   不是said已经发生的事情,所以不用“可能”的would have语气
E that it would try
   对(但and that it这样的连接很诡异啊!)


另外C中,        》》 时态也不对,两个had做平行的话,had与谁比较?
  D it would have tried     不是said已经发生的事情,所以不用“可能”的would have语气
       》》 其实是“可能,但没发生”
发表于 2011-12-10 20:02:28 | 只看该作者
32. The health commissioner said that the government had implemented strict measures to eradicate the contaminated food and, despite the recent illnesses, it will try to prevent the outbreak from recurring in the future.
A it will try?and 前后不对称.
B that it tried?tried 无法表示将来的一种预测.
C it had tried?前后不平行对称,时态错.
D it would have tried?不平行,时态错,
E that it would try?R
发表于 2011-12-18 16:36:53 | 只看该作者
32. The health commissioner said that the government had implemented strict measures to eradicate the contaminated food and, despite the recent illnesses, it will try to prevent the outbreak from recurring in the future.
A it will try
B that it tried   应该用过去将来
C it had tried 与主句平行不对
D it would have tried   同C
E that it would try     bingo选E
发表于 2011-12-27 18:30:13 | 只看该作者
32. The health commissioner said that the government had implemented strict measures to eradicate the contaminated food and, despite the recent illnesses, it will try to prevent the outbreak from recurring in the future.

A it will try
and it 后面的东西不平。will时态错

B that it tried

C it had tried

D it would have tried
would have tried是应该做但没做的,错了

E that it would try
发表于 2012-7-11 12:46:44 | 只看该作者
根据语意和in the future判断后面的动作还没做,只能用将来时态排除B,C,D,E中said that...and,despite the recent illnesses, that并不符合平行结构,而且根据语意despite the recent illnesses应是修饰后文动作的,如果是that...and that..平行结构的话,despite the recent illnesses的位置也应该在that从句之后
-- by 会员 may24 (2011/10/19 22:41:59)

我跟这位同学的想法一样哇....“despite the recent illnesses的位置也应该在that从句之后”
所以我一上来就先排除that打头的选项,认为那样的的话"despite the recent illnesses"就是misplaced modifier...情何以堪~

Ron's Thursday lecture on Nov 17, 2011
My friend told me, as we were graduating from college, that she was in love with that man.
My friend told me that, as we were graduating from college, she was in love with that man.
发表于 2019-9-6 20:35:15 | 只看该作者
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