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- 1970-1-1
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感谢各位昨晚参与香港科大Online Chat! 由于时间关系,加上各位发问勇跃,未能在online chat时段内一一解答所有问题, 如有任何不妥善之处,请多多见谅。现就最后几条问题,回覆如下:
Question by ABC: I have a GMAT score, but TOEFL score will be available in Dec. May I appy the FIRST ROUND in Nov.? Ans: Yes, given that you can provide the TOEFL score one month upon the completion of your application, you may apply for the first round in mid November, application deadline is Nov 15, 2011.
Question by Timilth: WHEN is SHANGHAI info session?? Ans: We will have an info session and a sample class in Shanghai on Nov 27, you are very welcome to join us. Please regsiter from the link below http://mba.ust.hk/?&m=201111&cat=7#e2160
Question by zgdfrog: last question, can we call the admission office in HKUST for any queries? Ans: Yes, enquiries can be made through email at mba@ust.hk or phone at (852) 2358 7539.
另外,本校学生亦已于chasedream论坛上开帖解答申请者问题, 各位稍后如有问题亦可到下列网址跟本校学生讨论: http://forum.chasedream.com/Asian_Pacific_MBA/thread-602848-1-1.html
HKUST MBA Program |