楼主申请了埃菲尔吗? -- by 会员 viviennezhao (2011/10/31 14:49:14)
【 I have the pleasure to confirm that you have received the HEC Excellence scholarship for 12,000.00? This amount will be deducted from your last installment. You can see the result on your Etheryl account.
The results for Forté, L'Oréal , Razel and Rainbowbridge will be announced in December 2011. Results for Eiffel will be known on Mars 2012.
Best regards, 】 邮件是这么说的,貌似有铁塔。。。不过听说MBA没有几个人拿到铁塔的。 -- by 会员 tommasox (2011/10/31 15:10:18)
Forté, L'Oréal , Razel and Rainbowbridge 这几个你申请了吗? |