如同之前有一位NN提到,應該是opposition的平行。這裡我有一個笨笨的問題想請教各問牛牛,正確答案(B)的did是不是因為句子頭重腳輕的關係往前移了? 原來是否是 than the organized labor movements of most other democratic nations DID. (did放在後面,但是因為輕重的關係移到了前面變成像(B)選項的敘述? 題目再貼一次如下,懇請NN解答。
In the United States, trade unions encountered far more intense opposition against their struggle for social legitimacy than the organized labor movements of most other democratic nations.
(A) against their struggle for social legitimacy than
(B) in their struggle for social legitimacy than did
(C) against their struggle for social legitimacy as
(D) in their struggle for social legitimacy as did(B)
(E) when they struggled for social legitimacy than has
如同之前有一位NN提到,應該是opposition的平行。這裡我有一個笨笨的問題想請教各問牛牛,正確答案(B)的did是不是因為句子頭重腳輕的關係往前移了? 原來是否是 than the organized labor movements of most other democratic nations DID. (did放在後面,但是因為輕重的關係移到了前面變成像(B)選項的敘述? 題目再貼一次如下,懇請NN解答。
491.Local residents claim that San Antonio, Texas, has more good Mexican American restaurants than any city does in the United States. (A) any city does (B) does any other city (C) other cities do (D) any city (E) other cities the key:B
491.Local residents claim that San Antonio, Texas, has more good Mexican American restaurants than any city does in the United States. (A) any city does (B) does any other city (C) other cities do (D) any city (E) other cities the key:B
491.Local residents claim that San Antonio, Texas, has more good Mexican American restaurants than any city does in the United States. (A) any city does (B) does any other city (C) other cities do (D) any city (E) other cities the key:B