请问楼主,本人毕业5年,一年香港上市房地产公司助理工程师经验,4年香港当地证券公司市场拓展和金融产品研究工作经验,主要负责国内市场。(公司同事香港人居多,因此在香港金融业内也认识点人脉)985高校工科毕业,gpa不到3,有香港证券期货业从业资格,曾经被其他港校商科类专业录取,因个人原因放弃就读,现在想申请hku的FT-MBA,雅思要再刷新,gmat还在备考,请问申请2013年入学,可否合适?恳请指正,多谢。 -- by 会员 beautyboypp (2012/7/4 23:09:16)
你如果在香港上班,也可以考虑在职MBA;在职或全职是有机会成本。视乎你对未来市场就业前景的看法。主要背景都可以。 -- by 会员 leonchan (2012/8/5 19:49:20)
谢谢leonchan的回复和建议,看了论坛上您之前发的帖子,受益良多。本人现主要在国内做事,曾经在香港总部待过一段时间,在金融行业深入发展的话,还是要加深下个人背景和理论基础,今年主攻ft-mba的申请,现在在拼搏gmat中,希望会有个好的结果,如有任何建议恳请指正,多谢。 -- by 会员 beautyboypp (2012/8/7 16:42:37)
1. GMAT @ 650 is almost a minimum for Chinese applicants 2. Timing - both of your career stage and economic cycle/ FI sector cycle; coz you dont have to apply this year in my eyes, pending your career development opportunity at hand 3. Put yourself in the shoe of your future boss, why should I hire you? Anything you can add value to the team and the firm? Anything else that make yourself different than the other job candidates? Prove this to me. -- if you could answer all these, you are ready for MBA and your future career. 2 cents. -- by 会员 leonchan (2012/11/2 12:26:41)