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[SC悬赏令] Season 1——manhattan 19(Classical guitar was neither)(已结贴)

发表于 2011-9-21 09:40:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
19. Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
A. Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
B. Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor played often in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
C. Classical guitar was not prestigious and was not often played in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in the mid-twentieth century, after he was won over by the sound despite the instrument's relative obscurity.
D. Classical guitar did not have prestige nor was it performed often in concert halls until its revival by Andres Segovia, who in the mid-twentieth century was won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
E. Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in the mid-twentieth century, when he was won over by the sound of the relatively obscure instrument.

In the original sentence, "was" does not need to be repeated after "nor." Moreover, "having been won over..." incorrectly modifies "classical guitar" (the subject of the preceding clause) instead of Segovia.
(A) This choice is the same as the original sentence.
(B) This choice does not correct the modifier issue.
(C) CORRECT. This choice corrects the "nor" issue as well as the modifier issue.  Now it is clear that it was Segovia who was won over by the instrument's sound.
(D) This choice is incorrect because the phrase "classical guitar did not have prestige nor was it performed..." is not parallel ("did not have....nor was it performed").  Note that one verb is active & the other is passive.  In general, you should make parallel verbs have the same voice: see SC #86 in the 11th edition(see below).  In this problem, the GMAT demands parallelism of voices, although the construction is not “nor”-based. Also, the construction “not… nor…” in this context requires inversion of the second verb (“nor was it performed”).  Such inversions can sound stilted.  Finally, as an idiom, the expression “to have prestige” is inferior to “to be prestigious.”
(E) This choice is incorrect because it repeats "was" after "nor" and because it implies that Segovia was won over by the sound of the instrument in the mid-twentieth century, while the original sentence makes clear that this happened at some earlier point.
Although early soap operas were first aired on evening radio in the 1920s, they had moved to the daytime hours of the 1930s when the evening schedule became crowded with comedians and variety shows.
(A) were first aired on evening radio in the 1920s, they had moved to the daytime hours of the 1930s
(B) were first aired on evening radio in the 1920s, they were moved to the daytime hours in the 1930s
(C) were aired first on evening radio in the 1920s, moving to the daytime hours in the 1930s
(D) were aired first in the evening on 1920s radio, they moved to the daytime hours of the 1930s
(E) aired on evening radio first in the 1920s, they were moved to the 1930s in the daytime hours
The two clauses about soap operas should be parallel. The first verb were ... airedshould be balanced by another passive voice verb(此句即本贴manhattan题的D选项解释所指) in the simple past tense, were moved. The past perfect had moved indicates action completed before the action in the simple past were aired, suggesting that the 1930's were finished sometime during the 1920's. The prepositional phrase in the 1920's should be balanced by in the 1930's.
A Had moved is neither parallel to were aired nor correct in tense; in is preferable to of in the prepositional phrase
B Correct. In this sentence, the two verbs are parallel, as are the two prepositional phrases.
C This construction results in a sentence fragment
D Moved is not parallel to were aired; the prepositional phrases are not parallel
E Aired is not parallel to were moved; the prepositional phrases are not parallel


看到having应该第一反应找逻辑主语,通过逻辑主语排除A,B(having done的用法务必掌握);
看到介词短语的改变应该去思考逻辑含义上是否有变化(嵌入本能吧,是另一个很重大的考点),D选项里in the mid-twentieth century变成了修饰was won over,意思随意篡改。


D选项的含义是两个独立分句尽量用同样的语气(同主动或同被动),但是如果是单纯的主动语态和被动语态是可以并列的,本题的正确答案,C选项就是前者为主动语态的系动词,后者为被动语态was played。


1. “感觉when用在这里值得商榷。在这种模糊的时间段来看用in which会比较好点。” ——helio5
赞helio5的细心,后面的was won over by是瞬时动作,确实用in which显得比用when好,但是GMAT似乎并不区分这个,见另一个来自官方的正确句子:Although she had been known as an effective legislator first in the Texas Senate and later in the United States House of Representatives, Barbara Jordan did not become a nationally recognized figure until 1974, when she participated in the hearings on the impeachment of President Richard Nixon, which were televised nationwide.,此处participated in相对1974是一个瞬时动作。。同时见LDOCE上的另一个句子:Leonard was nine when his father died.此处die也是瞬时动词。

另外补充一下,当in which/when后面是一个持续性动作时,in which和when是绝对可以等同的:
OG12的70题声明了in which和when是interchangeagle的。
OG12-70 His studies of ice-polished rocks in his Alpine homeland, far outside the range of present-day glaciers, led Louis Agassiz in 1837 to propose the concept of an age in which great ice sheets had existed in now currently temperate areas.
(A) in which great ice sheets had existed in now currently temperate areas
(B) in which great ice sheets existed in what are now temperate areas
(C) when great ice sheets existed where there were areas now temperate
(D) when great ice sheets had existed in current temperate areas
(E) when great ice sheets existed in areas now that are temperate
key: B
综上,when和in which在GMAT里面可以互换。
Idioms, Myths and More: News from the GMAC)。

2. “名声高雅VS在音乐会上演奏,二者并不形成完全对等的并列关系。感觉用and更好的表达出这种关系。” ——helio5
忍不住再赞叹一句,helio的感觉完全正确!自然地He has a bad fame and is not welcome in the school.也是比He neither has a good fame nor is welcomein the school. 更好的选择。实战里能有这样的思维,必然大大受用!

3.  “这个when好像有点歧义吧。原句说的是AS在Mid-twentieth让古典吉他流行。那肯定是在流行以前被折服的,这个when说的好像边折服边让流行的感觉。” ——若雪
when可以表示“during the time that”,所以句子表达的“不是边折服边revive”哦,而仅仅是:“他在20世纪中叶revive了guitar”和补充说明“20世纪中叶时他被guitar折服”。确实,用了when把原句的先后顺序给模糊掉了,显然没有用after好,依然赞若雪的细心!


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发表于 2011-9-21 09:50:55 | 只看该作者
我选B 吧。。。。。。
发表于 2011-9-21 09:59:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-9-21 10:04:18 | 只看该作者
Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
A   Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
neither … nor … 不平行, having been won overby …. 从语法上看修饰不到它的修饰对象Andres Segovia, 显得很突兀。

B   Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor played often in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
neither … nor … 不平行, having been won overby …. 从语法上看修饰不到它的修饰对象Andres Segovia, 显得很突兀。

C   Classical guitar was not prestigious and was not often played in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in the mid-twentieth century, after he was won over by the sound despite the instrument's relative obscurity.

D  Classical guitar did not have prestige nor was it performed often in concert halls until its revival by Andres Segovia, who in the mid-twentieth century was won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
did not have prestige不如was not prestigious简单直接,后面跟一个nor来个倒装,awkward.

E   Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in the mid-twentieth century, when he was won over by the sound of the relatively obscure instrument.
neither … nor … 不平行;感觉when用在这里值得商榷。在这种模糊的时间段来看用in which会比较好点。

感觉用and更好的表达出这种关系。比如一个简单的例子,Tom fell andhurt himselfand除了并列以外,似乎也能表达出一种弱因果的联系,显得很自然。下面二个句子哪个含义更合理些?
He has a bad fame and is not welcome in theschool.
He neither has a good fame nor is welcomein the school.
发表于 2011-9-21 10:10:50 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-9-21 10:20:17 | 只看该作者
19. Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until it was revived byAndres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.

 A       Classical guitar was neither prestigiousnor was often played in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia inthe mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sounddespite its relative obscurity.
应该是neither was...nor was或者是was neither...nor;还有一个就是Having been won,一看这结构我就想Pass掉它~~仔细一读,都没明白这是说吉他呢还是说AS呢~~~
 B       Classical guitar was neither prestigiousnor played often in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in themid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despiteits relative obscurity.
having been won,同A选项~
C       Classical guitar was not prestigious andwas not often played in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in themid-twentieth century, after he was won over by the sound despite theinstrument's relative obscurity.
正确。因为句子结构工整,was not...and was not,平行结构。后面的after he was标明清楚了这是修饰AS的。
D      Classical guitar did not have prestige nor was it performed often in concert halls until its revival by Andres Segovia,who in the mid-twentieth century was won over by the instrument's sound despiteits relative obscurity.
did not have...nor was...不平行呀么不平行~

E       Classical guitar was neither prestigiousnor was often played in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in themid-twentieth century, when he was won over by the sound of the relativelyobscure instrument.
was neither... nor  was,错误同A,不平行。

发表于 2011-9-21 10:30:27 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 欢欢勒布朗 (2011/9/21 10:10:50)

发表于 2011-9-21 10:37:30 | 只看该作者
古典吉他既没有声望也不经常在音乐会上被演奏,直到mid-twentieth AS在为古典吉他的音色深深折服后,使古典吉他重新流行起来

Classical guitar was neitherprestigious nor was often played in concert halls until it was revived byAndres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by theinstrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
       A       Classical guitar was neither prestigiousnor was often played in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia inthe mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sounddespite its relative obscurity.

was多余,having been won做状语修饰句子主语,继而修饰了classical guitar。语义错误。是AS被折服~不是古典吉他自己被自己折服~囧

       B       Classical guitar was neither prestigiousnor played often in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in themid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despiteits relative obscurity.

having been won over错误同A

       C       Classical guitar was not prestigious andwas not often played in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in themid-twentieth century, after he was won over by the sound despite theinstrument's relative obscurity.

我差点就把这个排除了T~T 后来从A扫到E发现都不对再回来看的。然后惊觉被骗!was not...and was not完美的平行~后面的修饰也完全木有问题~

       D      Classical guitar did not have prestige norwas it performed often in concert halls until its revival by Andres Segovia,who in the mid-twentieth century was won over by the instrument's sound despiteits relative obscurity.

did not have...nor was it...又倒装又纠结又奇怪又不平行

       E       Classical guitar was neither prestigiousnor was often played in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in themid-twentieth century, when he was won over by the sound of the relativelyobscure instrument.


发表于 2011-9-21 13:37:27 | 只看该作者
其它的neither nor均有问题?
发表于 2011-9-22 20:00:39 | 只看该作者
AE neither nor 后面的成分不平行; its 和指代对象隔的太远不好
B its 和指代对象隔的太远不好; having been修饰对象Andres Segovia中间有间隔不好,但不是绝对错误
D 时间状语改变了位置也改变了句意

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