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[AWA模板] 二战求保佑---- 5.5 我的 AWA模板

发表于 2011-8-10 11:11:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
一战是七月初考的,反正就是没上700+  但是后面出的作文分数下一跳 5.5啊 挺开心的,虽然不算高,但保持这个趋势也算够用了吧。

   我提前看了狗狗,两篇都被我遇上了,但是都没模写过,但是思路清晰比什么都好啊。我还是挺注重逻辑思路的,最basic的assumption放前面攻击,打断大的推理链   [不得不说,武汉新东方的刘畅是一个逻辑超级明晰的人,他当时带我们逻辑来着,但是在讲WEAKEN的时候讲过两个ARGU的题目,让我顿时觉得对Argu这个东西搞定了]  我实战的时候文章字数估计接近400,但是应该没有超过400。所以字数问题个人觉得还是比较机动的,没那么死。 用词上面一定要新,用点高级的词汇,电脑比较喜欢,电脑喜欢了 评分的人也就喜欢了。
   我考试的时候提前在模拟界面就把模板打出来了,然后剪切,到时候再复制上去,有人问顺序不一样怎么办呢。我的方法是,迅速跳过那些介绍,到作文页面尽可能把两个的模板都打上去,反正就是开头和结尾嘛,有多少是多少。正式考的时候才能够好好的理清思路 构造文章结构。

不说了 最后贴我的模板:

1.Insightfulreasons & persuasive examples
2.Well organized. 总分总
5.400 word

2.中间段:具体阐述文章的flaws &fallacies  先转述flaw,然后分析,给出例子
3.结尾段:评价,指出文章的flaw 并给出相应改进


In this statement/argument/recommendation/publican the author/arguerasserts that XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. To elaborate this conclusion the authorcites that XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX. In my opinion the preciseness of theargument is flawed in three weakness of the author’s line of reasoning.

To begin with, the argument is based on the assumption thatXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX. However, this might not necessarily be the case. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. BBBBBBBBBB BBBBB BBBBBBBB. If so, the argument has failed to proveAAAA AAAAAAAAA.

Sencondly, another questionable fallacy is that XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.The arguer doesn’t give enough evidence to ensure BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. Sowe cannot get the conclusion by XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX       .

Besides, the line of reasoning of the statement unfairly bases onAAAAAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAA. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.

To sum up, this argument doesn’t provide enough persuasive and precise evidenceto support its point. The author should present more fact to verify thatXXXXXXXXXXXX. And more information should be given concerning XXXXXXXXXXXXXX toreduce the possibility of being undermined. By these ways the author can improvethe line of reasoning and make a more persuasive and convincingconclusion.


52.The following editorial appeared in the Elm Citypaper.

“The construction last year of a shopping mallin downtown Oak City

wasa mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed,and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests forcrime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City shouldpay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application tobuild a shopping mall in Elm City.”

In this statement, the author recommendsthat Elm City should not build a shopping mall. To elaborate the conclusion theauthor cites the example of the shopping mall in Oak City and its seriousconsequences. The bad effects of the mall in Oak City prove the construction isinappropriate and therefore Elm City should not build our own one. In myopinion the preciseness of the argument is flawed in the following aspects.

To begin with, the argument is based on adoubtful assumption that the disadvantages of the mall can determine theconstruction a mistake. The author does not cite any evidence that there is notany advantage of the construction of shopping mall compared to the shortages.Though there are some bad effects such as an acute parking shortage, theremight still be a lot of good effects about the mall such as the economy hasdeveloped a lot and the parking lot around the mall is built which also solve theparking shortage in all downtown. For another example, a number of localbusinesses have closed because they all move into the mall and consequentlythey all develop better in the mall than outside.

Besides, the author's line of reasoning ofthe statement is falsely based on the analogy of Elm City and Oak City. It isnot appropriate to simply apply the result of Oak City to Elm City withoutconsidering the differences of them. If Oak City already has two malls, anothernew mall is just a net burden of the city. But in Elm City, there is not anymall existed. So a new one as well as the first mall is exactly what the cityneeds. Another possible situation is that the Elm City does not have that muchpopulation or the traffic condition is so much better than the Oak City, so ifa new mall is built, the downtown area would not suffer the same situation. Soit is not convincing to assume that the rule of Oak City will also apply to theElm City.

To sum up, the argument does not provideenough face to ensure that compared to the advantages, the disadvantages of amall is fatal so that we should not build one. And more information aboutwhether the situation in the Oak City will be the same in the Elm City shouldbe given to reduce the possibilities of being undermined. If the author couldimprove his line of reasoning in the given ways, a more persuasive andconvincing conclusion and recommendation could be developed.

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发表于 2011-8-10 14:50:12 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-10 19:16:49 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 ba80388 (2011/8/10 14:50:12)

 哈哈~ 那你估计也是叶炼的作文了~  个人觉得刘畅讲那两个例子比叶炼的N个argu都管用~
发表于 2011-8-10 22:34:28 | 只看该作者
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