1 The total amount of pollutant (that is) emitted annually by vehicles at OIA is twice as much as(指代the amount of pollutant) is emitted anually by all motor vehicles in the CMA. 这里的as ... as中as是连词不是代词,lz如果要把as作为代词来用,那么就不存在as ... as句型。如果要用,必须是as... as + 与比较对象平行的结构。 2 the economy might not be as weak as (the economy that) some analysts previously thought to be(might be). 比较的两部分总要平行的,前半句是might be后面的部分最好是might be Environmentalists provide initial evidence that airports are a larger source of pollution than they were once believed to be 另外这两句话后面比较部分的主语不一样,不能套用相同结构。 一家之言 -- by 会员 Tobelogical (2011/8/6 14:25:42)
谢谢帮助~不过我有些不同的观点: 第一个问题,as做第二个比较结构的主语代词,是prep笔记Q202题里写的,这应该算是一种特殊用法吧?如下: as,than可以做比较从句的主语,例:In one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, fought at Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17, 1862, four times as many Americans were killed as would later be killed on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day. As指代了americans。
第二个问题,我知道那个地方要用might be~我的疑问是,thought to be中to be的出现只是多余?还是说有语法错误? 此外,关于最后说两个比较主语不一样?我不确定我是否catch Ur idea了。我怎么觉得主语都是airport呢。。 |