Scientists have recently discovered what could be the largest and oldest living organism on Earth, a giant fungus that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and rootlike tentacles spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10,000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest.
42. Scientists have recently discovered what could be the largest and oldest living organism on Earth, a giant fungus that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and rootlike tentacles spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10,000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest. (A) extending (B) extends (C) extended (D) it extended (E) is extending 关于这道题已经有很多NN讨论过了,我在总结过程中却又有两个问题想不通…… 总结之前讨论帖可以不难明白extending和spawned两个分词平行,一个表还在进行,一个表已经结束。勉强可以接受。但是问题来了 1. 这两个并列分词是修饰谁的?理论上说分词前面没有“,”就应该就近修饰,所以是修饰“rootlike tentacles”,这样想没错吧? 但是OG对于C选项的解释是这样的“Extended looks parallel to spawned, but this phrase would mean that the fungus extended only in the past when the fungus clearly lives on in the present.” 这个解释的言外之意是不是就是说spawned和extended/extending(先不论那个是正确的选项)是修饰fungus的?
2.“ ,a giant fungus that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and rootlike tentacles spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10,000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest.” 这一整个半句要怎么断句啊?“that is...”是不是证明a giant fungus后面是一个同位语从句?那也就是说“,”后面不是一个完整句子,没有谓语和宾语……我这样理解对吗?各位NN救命啊……
1.参考了一下Ron大神的解释,结构如下,fungus有2个修饰部分,1个是红括号内的,2是蓝色部分 p.s: 蓝色部分也可认为是修饰filigree的,但绝不是mushrooms and rootlike tentacles
a giant fungus( that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and rootlike tentacles )spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10,000 years ago and extendingfor more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest
1.参考了一下Ron大神的解释,结构如下,fungus有2个修饰部分,1个是红括号内的,2是蓝色部分 p.s: 蓝色部分也可认为是修饰filigree的,但绝不是mushrooms and rootlike tentacles
a giant fungus( that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and rootlike tentacles )spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10,000 years ago and extendingfor more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest
2.“ ,a giant fungus that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and rootlike tentacles spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10,000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest.” 这一整个半句要怎么断句啊?“that is...”是不是证明a giant fungus后面是一个同位语从句?那也就是说“,”后面不是一个完整句子,没有谓语和宾语……我这样理解对吗?各位NN救命啊……
类似这样的例子,还有一道关于cattle的transgenic的题目(找不到了,大致写下),not only to acquire new traits but also because ... 这题的干扰选项就有not only because ... but also because ... 完美的平行结构,但是逻辑上说不过去
类似这样的例子,还有一道关于cattle的transgenic的题目(找不到了,大致写下),not only to acquire new traits but also because ... 这题的干扰选项就有not only because ... but also because ... 完美的平行结构,但是逻辑上说不过去
觉得ron解释得很对,但是我也很困惑楼主说的ving 和 ved 到底修饰谁的问题。
-- by 会员 gato (2011/10/24 10:33:31)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/28 13:40:36)
看到啦, comman parallelism categories others: (1)working number (2)Infinitives (3)Adjectives and participles (4)Clause
假如 一个巨子 A that is a ····and extends这样对不 我对答案想的时候毫不犹豫的选了B,现在如果修饰的是filigree,那我的就是错的,但把这道题抛开,就单纯的看这样的一个定语从句,不知道对否