以下是引用cocomalawi在2006-4-6 21:47:00的发言:Q16: Soaring television costs accounted for more than half the spending in the presidential campaign of 1992, a greater proportion than it was in any previous election. - a greater proportion than it was
- a greater proportion than
- a greater proportion than they have been
- which is greater than was so
- which is greater than it has been
支持B 这个题的解法应该换一个思路,不仅从比较结构上,更应该从比较逻辑上。 X ,(which is )a greater proportion than Y X=the spending in the presidential campaign of 1992 Y=the spending in the presidential any previous campaign 所以比较对象是两个不同的东西,从而这里it(或they)指代逻辑有问题 , 那么选项B能够避免这个问题:B的展开是 .......the spending in the 1992's presidential campaign , which is a graeater proportion than the spending in the any previous presidential campaign |