Great point!
通过scale of的意思(e.g. on a scale of 1-10)直接排除C/D/E就好办了。
我觉得做这题的时候,不太容易看出author's intended meaning...
我当时看到"scale of"顺眼,直接就想的是这样的句式:
Settlements were built on a spectacular scale of xxx structures of yyy rooms, each .....
Suri同学点解的那个"a scale of xxx structures of yyy rooms"的意思
"scale of"的意思
"connected"的意思 (类比united)
each connected"/"
each had been connected"
They are
all connected.
They are connected
with each other.
The Anasazi settlements at Chaco Canyon were built on a spectacular scale, with more than 75 carefully engineered structures, of up to 600 rooms each, were connected by a complex regional system of roads.
A. original
B. scale, with more than 75 carefully engineered structures, of up to 600 rooms each,
C. sclae of more than 75 carefully engineered structures of up to 600 rooms, each that had been
D. scale of more than 75 carefully enineered structures of up to 600 rooms and with each
E. scale of more than 75 carefully enineered structures of up to 600 rooms, each had been
B,首先 with more than 75 carefully engineered structures 是一个插入语,插在 a scale of中间,据此就可以排除cde,因为a scale of more than 75 carefully enineered structures of up to 600 rooms显得awkward还把逻辑意思扭曲了,变成 a scale of more than 75···,原句的意思是想说 这个东东建立在一共有600个房间的宏伟规模上,是a scale of 600 rooms.
然后呢, A不对是因为,如果 were connected by 是和前面的were built 平行,那么,就少了个and. A were built ****,*****,were connected**,我们把中间的修饰什么的省略就变成 A were built ,were connected,这样就很明显是少了个and,所以错误
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/25 19:26:18)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/25 19:48:16)