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作文 求各种提高 各种拍 各种各种。。。。

发表于 2011-6-16 17:05:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
“In some countries, television and radioprograms are carefully censored for offensive language and behavior.

In other countries, there is little or no censorship.

In your view, to what extent shouldgovernment or any other group be able to censor television or radio

programs? Explain, giving relevant reasonsand/or examples to support your position.

作文(有点历史内容 感兴趣么):

In our planet, there are various and colorful cultures that constantly evolve and simultaneously shape our history.As strange may it sound be, censorship, just like culture, have companied humanbeing for thousands years as I know. When it comes today, I agree that thegovernment in developing country should establish stringent censorship for unethicalissues and a relatively lenient one for political issues, or to be a guide inthe sensitive issues discussing.

In any country with a responsible government,the media should be censored before publish, even though the censorship ways differ from country to country. An editor should pick up flaws in an articleand correct the object’s names. A movie should be evaluated into level beforeit can be appreciated in theaters or copied into DVD. Without necessary scrutiny,the media market may be driven only by profit. As a result, initially vulnerablegroup-children- can’t resist the temptation of pornography and violence in themedia. Then, the main part of society-adults- will be blinded by deceitful newsmade by who want to gain some benefit - financial or political.  Since virtue of people in the two social partswhich represent the future and present development are decayed, the wholesociety will fall into a vicious circle. So, I argue that we should decidedly implementa stringent censorship to eliminate the unethical material and behavior in thesociety.
Go back in the medieval times Europe, thecensorship from church burned the books that stated scientific prospective,scorched the people who believe the earth is not the center of the universe, howeverit can’t destroy the true fire from the enlightenment movement and theRenaissance. So, the censorship can’t no perfectly serve as a tool that can totallyunify every soul in body. And people will ultimately do what they shouldfollow. But as we can see, the church play an important role in medieval times thathold the every country in the Europe as big family, and keep it stable, strong enoughas a whole army to defended Europe land when the “whip of god” beat the Europe’sback or invaded other country. It was the censorship that keep the unified religiousbelief to some extent, also it was the censorship that make it possible for Popeto establish his/her power to be a diplomatic mediator. It seems that the censorship can help to enhance solidifyof country as the same of society, simultaneously be an obstacle in the way ofdeveloping. But as the rationality dawn’s coming, censorship can’t holdeverything. Government should use it just guide people to stabilize the societybut not as a tool to protect its own benefit.

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