有谁能比较一下 australian Graduate school of managemnt,和 melbourne business school ?
另澳洲名校的商学院哪个的marketing 方向比较好?
Melbourne Business School 的marketing 好像不属于MBA 的, 算master of marketing. 我读了半天,发现在financial aids 中说,学校为part-time students 提供financial aid. 这是什么意思? full-time students 没有吗? 还是不招full-time 的? 读了半天的program introduction 也没看出来这科只招part-timer. 不懂了, 有没申请的指点一下?
For myself, MBS is a better choice, especially in Southeast asia. MBS MBA has financial aid. But I am wondering bryony should consider better choice than MBS. ( personal opion)
For myself, MBS is a better choice, especially in Southeast asia. MBS MBA has financial aid. But I am wondering bryony should consider better choice than MBS. ( personal opion)