虽然LS给出的解释,在我们真正在考场上,短时间内难以彻底理解这句话的情况下看似有一定道理,但OG的解释This sentence uses four phrases to describe the warning signs for all earthquake.显然告诉我们并不是三个大平行和三个小平行的关系.对这道题我已然有一个疑惑,tilting这个词,OG告诉我们是一个名词,但我在LONGMAN字典中查到只有tilt而没有tilting这个词,所以我一开始把tilting理解为动名词,但是又联想到OG11的117题, New theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the Earth's magnetic field, the onset of ice ages, the splitting apart of continents 80 million years ago, and the great volcanic eruptions. 中,我认为此题中的splitting和这题的tilting是性质一样的,但是OG解释说splitting is a participle and thus not parallel to the other nouns. splitting may be transformed into a noun by adding the article the. 照这种说法,tilting前面是不是也应该加上the才可以? 请大家指点!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-14 17:00:42编辑过] |