In addition to having more protein -than wheat does, the protein in rice is higher quality than that in wheat, with more of the amino acids essential to the human diet.
og19 In addition to having more protein -than wheat does, the protein in rice is higher quality than that in wheat, with more of the amino acids essential to the human diet. (A) the protein in rice is higher quality than that in (B) rice has protein of higher quality than that in (C) the protein in rice is higher in quality than it is in (D) rice protein is higher in quality than it is in (E) rice has a protein higher in quality than
这是我在查帖子的时候看到的,答案选择b, 有人说b结构不平行,正确的应该为 rice has protein of higher quality than wheat does... 我觉得很多人留有应试教育的影子,就是喜欢套规则。英语的基础语法就那么多,其它的一些规律都是总结,当然会有疏忽存在 比如这题,我们看这一句 I have a dog bigger than those in Jack's house. 这句话是不能完全用s+v than s+v 做平行结构的,因为你根本不知道其它狗是谁的。 rice has protein of higher quality than that in wheat 也同样,of higher quality 如果与上一句中的“bigger”一个词,我们疑惑是因为认为wheat 一定需要作主语,其实in wheat 同样可以作定语修饰 those 来限定 those。 其他还有什么比较级than 之前有两个动词的话than 之后的主语后不用加“do”,这种人为的没有语法根据的规则大家也不要完全相信 至于什么being 必须错之类的,,,,更不用去记了