以下是引用青鸟在2004-5-30 13:54:00的发言:我看了你们的几个帖子,发现各位都十分在意句子的结构而忽视了句子的意思。 age=the number of years someone has lived or something has existed,就是说当how old的意思的时候,可以用when.但是搂住的帖子里说到的是年代:▶ ERIOD OF HISTORY◀ [countable usually singular]a particular period of history We are living in the age of technology.Molecular biology is pushing medicine into a new age . 注意这里当年代讲的时候,前面有一个介词in, 那么when great ice sheets had existed in current temperate areas就不如 in which great ice sheets existed in what are now temperate areas表达准确了。 而且请各位记住,in which和when在一起的时候,尽量要注意which前面的介词。一般情况下,in which 优先于when. xiexie! |