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比如homewood校区的学生医疗保险是全部cover的,我们只有普通64%特护80%。 比如gym的话,homwood是免费的,我们要交15刀每月的membership permit 比如homewood所有on campus job都是不对carey stu开放的,工作人员永远回答都是,对不起,你们是商学院学生…… 等等 当然,以上是general的情况,你完全可以自己handle……It depends on u. 嗯,我只是说一句,某些担心是有道理的,虽然不用过分担心,但是也不要过分乐观了…… -- by 会员 sakefree (2011/9/25 6:36:36)
CAREY商学院的学生也有找到NASA的实习的,看邮件了吗。 找实习的话,也许有工作经验会好些。
用人单位为什么要一个完全没有工作经验的人呢,CAREY又不是M7那么大牌。商学院本来就是就业要自己管的,别的学校也是啊。因为商学院研究生不是研---究---生。所以CAREY才需要你有工作经验,应届生本不应该强申CAREY。CAREY只是个新学院,有它的好处有它的缺点,来之前就要想清楚它的好处是你要的么,它的缺点是你能忍的么。 It depends on you。
·Wall Street Journal, “C’mon Gen X, Take Some Chances,” June 20, 2011. Adjunct professor Yuval Bar-Or is quoted in a piece on strategies for young investors. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703730804576319421303884318.html
·Bloomberg, “AIG Oversight Extended, Five Years After Spitzer Accord,” June 30, 2011. Professor Phil Phan is quoted in an article on the extension of the period of oversight imposed on AIG. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-06-30/aig-oversight-extended-again-five-years-after-spitzer-accord.html
·Harvard Business Review, “The New Agents of Market Penetrations,” July 5, 2011. A blog by Ndubuisi Ekekwe, founder of the nonprofit African Institution of Technology, highlights Carey as a business school with a required international project. http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2011/07/the_new_agents_of_market_penet.html
·Baltimore Sun, “Generic drug users need protection,” July 7, 2011. In an op-ed, Assistant Professor Stacey Lee writes a critique of a recent Supreme Court decision on drug labeling. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-drug-labeling-20110707,0,6912369.story
·Carroll County Times, “NASA interns learn program is about more than space,” July 8, 2011. Carey undergrad Roger Voter says he’s “having a blast” (his quote) as an intern with NASA in Greenbelt, Md. http://www.carrollcountytimes.com/news/local/nasa-interns-learn-program-is-about-more-than-space/article_d2189cd0-a903-11e0-8e40-001cc4c002e0.html
·New York Post, “Wall(et) Street; Banks tackle re-reg by throwing money at it,” July 9, 2011. Phil Phan is quoted in this article on Wall Street efforts against regulation. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/wall_et_street_Hp5CSTCxo323ysZ6haBfkN
·Bangkok Post, “‘Medical value travel’ and the challenges for India,” July 11, 2011. Assistant Professor Ravi Aron is quoted in this article on medical tourism. http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/health/246461/medical-value-travel-and-the-challenges-for-india
New York Times, “Betting on an E.M.B.A.,” July 22, 2011. Carey’s new Executive MBA program is cited in this article. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/24/education/edlife/edl-24exemba-t.html
·Nature Medicine, “News in brief: Biomedical briefing,” Aug. 4, 2011. In this publication affiliated with the scientific journal Nature, Stacey Lee is quoted in an item about the Supreme Court decision on drug labeling. http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v17/n8/full/nm0811-910.html
·WYPR-FM, “Midday with Dan Rodricks,” Aug. 8, 2011. Associate Professor Eileen Mauskopf is part of a panel discussing the debt-ceiling crisis in a news-talk program on the local NPR affiliate. http://www.wypr.org/stationprogram/midday-dan-rodricks?page=5
·Baltimore Sun, “Anxious investors try to remain calm amid wild swings in market,” Aug. 14, 2011. Assistant Professor Jian Ni is quoted in an article on the stock market’s ups and downs. http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/money/bs-bz-market-volatility-reaction-20110814,0,1484450,full.story
·BizEd Magazine, “Building the 21st-Century Curriculum,” Sept./Oct. 2011. Phil Phan authors a feature, plus two sidebars, on Carey’s curriculm. (Online link to article won’t be available until early November.)
·New York Times, “Adjusting, More M.D.s Add M.B.A.,” Sept. 5, 2011. A Carey course on entrepreneurship, taught by Dr. Lisa Beth Ferstenberg, is cited in this article. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/06/business/doctors-discover-the-benefits-of-business-school.html?pagewanted=all
·Bureau of National Affairs, Human Resources Report, “Muslim Employees Still Face Workplace Challenges A Decade After 9/11,” Sept. 5, 2011. Associate Professor Lindsay Thompson is quoted in this article. (Online link unavailable.)
Baltimore Sun, “Companies must renew their commitment to workers,” Sept. 5, 2011. In an op-ed, Assistant Professor Adam Seth Litwin calls for greater investment in “human capital.” http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-training-20110905,0,909536.story#tugs_story_display
·Washington Post, “The Rise of the Global MBA,” Sept. 7, 2011. The Carey GMBA and student Aaron Landgraf are featured in this article. (Online link unavailable.)
·BloombergBusinessweek, “Who’s Looking to Hire the First Grads of Johns Hopkins’ New MBA Program?” Sept. 12, 2011. This article, with quotes from Career Services Director Patrick Madsen, focuses on the internships and employment prospects of the charter class of Carey’s GMBA. http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/blogs/mba_admissions/archives/2011/09/whos_looking_to_hire_the_first_grads_of_johns_hopkins_mba_program.html
·Citybizlist, “Record High Number of Students Enroll in the JHU Real Estate Program,” Sept. 15, 2011. This story notes the rise in enrollment in Carey’s Accelerated Master of Science in Real Estate program.http://baltimorerealestate.citybizlist.com/1/2011/9/15/Record-High-Number-of-Students-Enroll-in-the-JHU-Real-Estate-Program.aspx |