ie. Penn is the parent school for Wharton. Harvard is the parent school for HBS. By general impression, BC ranks higher than BU. But for their business schools, might be a different case.
I thought BC is better than BU (Comparison on the parent schools) - if that is also the case for their business schools, then you should probably not try BC for R3. -- by 会员 babyif19 (2011/3/3 9:59:06)
你指的parent schools是什么意思? -- by 会员 juezui (2011/3/3 23:30:23)
-- by 会员 babyif19 (2011/3/4 0:41:49)
哦,明白了。你的意思是BC的general rank比BU高(不仅仅是商学院)。那么BC 的round 3 我很可能也没戏。对吧。
其实我想弄明白的是,一般来说,申请某所学校的round 3 到底有多大的成功率。是不是概率比round 1 和2 小很多很多。如果这样,我还不如等到明年再去申请BC的round 1。同时network BU这边,如果拿到BU的offer,就今年去上BU。如果拿不到,就明年申BC的round 1。 |