1)作者的观点是增开服务可以increase profit. 这个是重点,competitive edge is not the bottom line. 所以第一句话我会稍微改一下 2) To support this argument, the author cites that total sales of Megamartgrocery store have increased this year by 20 percent since we added a pharmacy section to our grocery store. 我会用第三人称而不是we和our:since the pharmacy section was added to the store. 3)第一个逻辑错误是作者犯了cause-effect的错误,不是assumption。因为20% increase in sales 和 add pharmacy section 先后发生不代表之间有因果关系。分析的思路没错,但是我会用更直接的短句清晰表达意思。There are many reasons can attribute to the increase in sales. The store may have distributed coupons to help with the sales. The management may have incorporated new pay structure to the store staff to encourage them be more communicative with the shoppers which lead to the increase in purchasing. Without analyze all the other possibilities it's hard to link the pharmacy section addition to the increase in sales. -- Looks like you are on the right track an you have a lot to write about. Good luck! 再多些几篇就会很有感觉了。AA不难的。 我坐飞机的时候一口气写了10篇,之后就都只是看范文了。没想到居然写出个6分!其实6分不是很难达到的标准。加油加油!  -- by 会员 rebeccablote (2011/2/11 17:14:25)
真的很受用,第一次写只是以为的想要往模板上套,忽略了很多本质的东西,多谢指点呀~~ |