I rank these MBA in the following sequences based on reputation, alumni quality (when i attend their information session and talked to their alumni), my current employer's recommendation: HKUST > CUHK> City > HKU > Poly I studied in City University Business and work in Hong Kong now. -- by 会员 happytimes2011 (2011/3/18 10:58:57)
When did you start ? and in which Department ?
我在城市大学待过短时间 ,算是对这个学校有一点了解
它的商学院最近几年进步好快 ,先后拿到了EQUIS, AACSB,AMBA 的 accreditation
研究也做的很好 ,在香港已经是top 3 了
这是香港政府大学委员会的公开数据 :
No. of Research Projects (Business Studies) approved by Hong Kong Government Funding
(2010/11) HKUST : 27 CUHK : 26 CityU: 26 HKU: 18
(2009/10) CUHK: 22 HKUST: 20 CityU: 17 HKU: 16
就MBA来说 , 它家的director曾渊沧在香港的财经界名气很大, 很多媒体上都看到他
缺点来说, 是学校历史比较短 , 所以名气还不够大
如果进不了像中欧 ,港科大 , 港中文, 北大国际, etc 这一档次的学校 , 读这个商学院可能比国内的更好
还有, 好像漂亮女学生特多! 呵 |