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[校友答疑] Any Question about University of Notre Dame?

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发表于 2011-1-31 07:15:43 | 只看该作者
谢LZ的解答~我现在也拿到了offer,letter上说可以上网校补federal tax,当然也听说过大家去了再补的~相比较而言你推荐哪种呢?多谢
-- by 会员 kfairy (2011/1/30 21:49:07)

federal tax在美国会计里面还是很重要的,也是很基础的 我建议还是到了学校以后和本科一起上课系统的学一遍比较好,也不用再上网课补,一般online的课都学不到什么东西。。。都是给人混学分的
发表于 2011-1-31 07:18:15 | 只看该作者


发表于 2011-1-31 07:21:00 | 只看该作者
另外,study abroad program可以去欧洲和南美,有中国学生去吗?
-- by 会员 andiwu (2011/1/30 22:39:10)

一般msa参加的有MSAA(专门给msa学生的)还有Beta Alpha Psi (给全部会计学生的)这两个是会计学生经常参加的。而且就1年平时事情比较多,参加社团活动的很少。

发表于 2011-1-31 07:24:38 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 ericgale2001 (2011/1/31 7:18:15)

强烈同意 听说在国内名气不大的原因是校友回国的比较少,基本上都留在美国了
发表于 2011-1-31 12:00:36 | 只看该作者
ND不是常春藤盟校!! However, the accounting program is very strong.  MBA, Engineering, and Law  on the other hand, are kind of ordinary!!  I just saw the most recent (2010) PAR ranking!!  Both undergrad and MSA of Notre Dame were ranked 4th. (Texas, Illinois and BYU are the top 3, different orders; USC dropped out of top 5)

I talked to a professor lately.  He said the "pure international" students (e.g., directly from China without a degree in US) were next to impossible to find a job for the last couple of years.  The main reason, other than the general economy, is that those students do not have strong activities/leadership abilities listed on the vita and were not even interviewed by the Big Four.  This is something for you, the future Fighting Irish, to consider and work on.
发表于 2011-1-31 12:24:39 | 只看该作者
ND不是常春藤盟校!! However, the accounting program is very strong.  MBA, Engineering, and Law  on the other hand, are kind of ordinary!!  I just saw the most recent (2010) PAR ranking!!  Both undergrad and MSA of Notre Dame were ranked 4th. (Texas, Illinois and BYU are the top 3, different orders; USC dropped out of top 5)

I talked to a professor lately.  He said the "pure international" students (e.g., directly from China without a degree in US) were next to impossible to find a job for the last couple of years.  The main reason, other than the general economy, is that those students do not have strong activities/leadership abilities listed on the vita and were not even interviewed by the Big Four.  This is something for you, the future Fighting Irish, to consider and work on.
-- by 会员 worrier (2011/1/31 12:00:36)

Pure International Student不论在哪个学校找工作都是很艰难的,不过这届msa有个所谓的pure international student找到了美国四大的工作。。。大环境很重要,我觉得个人背景更重要。ND已经把pure international student 比例压到很低了,只有不到5%。每个收到offer和奖学金的学生背后都有很多的考虑因素,包括找到工作的概率。。。

本人对所谓的排名不是很感冒 不还是个sample,statistical error的成分和其中的水分可想而知 我觉得the most important thing is not where you go, is what you will do. 三流学校一样可以出来亿万富翁,哈佛出来的也有可能成为社会败类。当然选校问题要慎重考虑!!
发表于 2011-1-31 12:36:09 | 只看该作者
ND不是常春藤盟校!! However, the accounting program is very strong.  MBA, Engineering, and Law  on the other hand, are kind of ordinary!!  I just saw the most recent (2010) PAR ranking!!  Both undergrad and MSA of Notre Dame were ranked 4th. (Texas, Illinois and BYU are the top 3, different orders; USC dropped out of top 5)

I talked to a professor lately.  He said the "pure international" students (e.g., directly from China without a degree in US) were next to impossible to find a job for the last couple of years.  The main reason, other than the general economy, is that those students do not have strong activities/leadership abilities listed on the vita and were not even interviewed by the Big Four.  This is something for you, the future Fighting Irish, to consider and work on.
-- by 会员 worrier (2011/1/31 12:00:36)

发表于 2011-1-31 12:52:25 | 只看该作者
现在能sponsor h1b的还招会计的公司个人所知也就那么几个,四大+几个大型的corporation+几个insurance company . 我在乡下,自己知道的大概就10-12家。
老多大银行(wellsfargo,for example)都不招了。。。别跟我说gold sachs这几个了,这几个只要你牛x,啥专业都能招。一般msa毕业能招到工作的大多都是美国big 4了吧,还都是集中在nyc,boston这一带的。
发表于 2011-1-31 14:48:48 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-1-31 20:42:29 | 只看该作者
现在能sponsor h1b的还招会计的公司个人所知也就那么几个,四大+几个大型的corporation+几个insurance company . 我在乡下,自己知道的大概就10-12家。
老多大银行(wellsfargo,for example)都不招了。。。别跟我说gold sachs这几个了,这几个只要你牛x,啥专业都能招。一般msa毕业能招到工作的大多都是美国big 4了吧,还都是集中在nyc,boston这一带的。
-- by 会员 gohawks (2011/1/31 12:52:25)

现在能sponsor的确实比较少,大多MSA都是去Big 4的,ND的MSA(美国+中国学生)主要集中在芝加哥和纽约地带比较多,这届目前没有听说去boston的。 其他公司也可以sponsor的,比如这届有个美国学生去了一个corporation 他们就可以sponsor 另外有一个中国学生去了一家在美国的英国大银行 所以能去什么样的公司要看自己的background 并不是绝对的
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