其实我觉得banking和consulting是最不歧视国际学生的了,现在corporate的机会反而少我觉得,因为像Lo'real、Unilever、Pepsi、American express这样的跨国大公司都不招国际学生的。 想做IB机会都是有的,主要看自己有没有实力,够不够努力。毕竟每周五跑纽约去informational,不是每个人都能坚持的。但如果你目标明确,有相关经验,aggressively networking,希望还是很大的。我一美国同学,这两天要去面Goldman的final,并已有一ib offer在手。他至少在投简历前已经和5个以上Goldman的人做过informational interview了, 入学前他也有相关金融行业经验。所以,关键还是得看自己。我觉得亚洲学生多半不太会像美国人那样networking,努力程度也不一定比美国人高,机会自然少。我本人也拿到一些美国banking的interview(其中也有后台部门), 不过由于自己准备不够充分,mock得不够,现在大多夭折了。。。banking前台和后台对你的skill的要求不太一样,不一定说后台就一定容易进。后台部门的面试如operation,偏project management,所以面试一般都没technical questions. nyer15很早就把目标锁定亚洲的banking,他也很早就开始努力了,现在interview的结果也不错。希望他快点拿到offer啦。
[quote ]Sorry, this question is out of my scope. I dont work in back office
Basically, getting in IBD or S&T in US is still possible, but very very very TOUGH. Given on what I've seen in our school, no Chinese students got invited to IB internship interviews. But please dont give up hope if that is truly the destination you want to go for the rest of your life. Under the circumstance with weak economic strengh and high unemployment rate, remember to "be flexible." What I want to say is you never know what's gonna happen three years from now. I assume that the eco would turn way much better than it is now. Chances would be bigger. The thing you can do now is to get in you ideal school, stick tight to your goal, and work on it til the end. For now, I think the biggest chance to find a finance-related job in US is to get a job as internal control, or auditing-related jobs. These jobs requires high skills but few oral communication with others. We have better chances in these jobs than in IB or S&T.
We have solid relationship with JPM, CITI,BofAML, and AE. Goldman starts to recruit our people for interns and Morgan Stanley starts to hire us for full-times. -- by 会员 nyer15 (2011/1/20 9:58:29)
谢谢LZ答疑! 针对LZ所说的这两句话,我想确认一下:虽然Goergetown跟这几个银行关系紧密,但中国学生还是基本进不去吧?或者说IBD和sales&trading部门(在美国的office)完全没什么希望了?那像equity research一类的,甚至更后台的部门,有希望么? -- by 会员 hellooasis (2011/1/20 11:45:50)
-- by 会员 nyer15 (2011/1/20 12:02:10)
谢谢热心的LZ! 进一步问一下:也就是说学MBA finance方向的中国同学找的一般都是内部审计(internal audit)的工作?另外,记得比如像GS有个Finance部门,MS有个 Financial Control Group ,请问类似这种Finance部门有中国学生进去吗?LZ可否介绍一下这类工作? -- by 会员 hellooasis (2011/1/20 12:24:52)
-- by 会员 nyer15 (2011/1/20 13:20:47)
果然干前台和干后台的之间没什么交流。LZ原来是front office,IBD的? -- by 会员 hellooasis (2011/1/21 11:45:34)
-- by 会员 winniexin123 (2011/1/25 10:26:43) [/quote] |