但是 NYU, Columbia, UCLA, UC Berkley, Northwestern, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, University of Texas at Austin, Wharton, Chicago, Duke, Yale, Washington U at St Louis, U of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, University of Rochester, Darden, Emory, Tepper, Ohio State, Michigan State, Arizona state, Penn state, University of Maryland, Purdue, Univrsity of Florida and many others都有 EMBA -- by 会员 grossman (2011/1/13 5:16:04)
不好意思 刚看了一眼YALE的网站。他也没有EMBA ,是MBA-e ,即在职MBA。发的还是MBA文凭。好像这位童鞋一直都是不调查就直接想说什么就说什么的,上次张嘴就说长江教师工资是中欧2倍的是您老吧? 托儿!也是有技术含量的! |