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发表于 2010-12-8 22:30:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Over 40,000 lead seals from the early Byzantine Empire remain today. Apart from the rare cases where the seal authenticated a document of special importance, most seals had served their purpose when the document was opened. Lead was not expensive, but it was not free; most lead seals would have been recast once they had served their purpose. Thus the number of early Byzantine documents sealed in such a fashion must have been many times the number of remaining lead seals. Which one of the following statements, if true, most strengthens the argument?

a) Most of the lead seals produced during the early Byzantine Empire were affixed to documents that were then opened during that period.
b) Most of the lead seals produced during the early Byzantine Empire were affixed to documens that have since been destroyed.
c) The amount of lead availabe for seals in the early Byzantine Empire was much greater than the amount of lead that reamins in the seals today.
d) During the time of the early Byzantine Empire there were at most 40,000 documents of enough importance to prevent the removing and recycling of the seal.
e) During the time of the early Byzantine Empire there were fewer than 40,000 seals affixed to documents at any given time

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发表于 2010-12-8 22:57:35 | 只看该作者
1) Over 40,000 lead seals from the early Byzantine Empire remain today.
2) When document sealed by lead was opened, the lead was recast.

The number of early Byzantine documents sealed in such a fashion must have been many times the number of remaining lead seals.  (# of early document was more than 40000)

The worst case scenario for the argument is that the 40000 documents remained are the ONLY documents sealed by lead.  If that is true, the conclusion falls apart.  To strengthen the argument, you have to find ways to remove this worst case scenario.

Answer (A) fits the bill, since it states that there WERE documents that WERE opened. In fact, most of them were opened, therefore the lead used was recast and more documents affixed with lead.  The conclusion was, thus, strengthened.
发表于 2010-12-9 13:43:38 | 只看该作者
Over 40,000 lead seals from the early Byzantine Empire remain today.Apart from the rare cases where the seal authenticated a document ofspecial importance, most seals had served their purpose when thedocument was opened. Lead was not expensive, but it was not free; mostlead seals would have been recast once they had served their purpose.Thus the number of early Byzantine documents sealed in such a fashionmust have been many times the number of remaining lead seals. Which oneof the following statements, if true, most strengthens the argument?

Byzantine Empire 的铅封到现在流传下了超过40000份, 使用铅封的都是重要文件. 大多数铅封在完成使命(即文件开启)后被开启损毁. 大多数铅封在被开启后都会重新使用
结论: 在当时被这样封存的文件数量一定大大超过40000份(现存铅封数)

a) 大多数铅封当时被使用在后来开启的文件上
b) 大多数铅封当时被使用在后来销毁的文件上(铅封在文件开启时损毁,但不是一定连文件一起损毁)
e) 在这个国家的任何时段,少于40000份的铅封使用在文件上

选a的原因是, 40000份铅封留存, 如果以前文件比这40000多, 需要使用的铅封数量自然比40000多. 那么, 既然铅封是可以重复使用的, 逻辑就解释清楚了: 大多数文件被开启了, 开启后铅封损毁重铸再利用,所以到现在只有40000, 而总共被封的文件可能大大超过这个数量

恩, 以上

PS, 12/12 广州考试的飘过 .....希望我能拿个150 -.- 考试时间真TMD不够. 哎...
 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-9 20:38:31 | 只看该作者



发表于 2010-12-9 22:33:48 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-12-17 02:20:15 | 只看该作者
One problem with the stimulus argument is that one of its premises is a guess -- 'most of the lead seals would have been recast once they had served their purpose'. Another problem is that the stimulus never tells us into what the seals were recast: seals again or for other purposes. Option A answers both questions. It shows that the Byzantine used the lead repeatedly to make seals and affixed them to documents.
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