"2. Notre Dame。 这个简直是让我大跌眼镜,一度收到该校无数广告信,误以为其是野鸡大学。结果问了几个同学,大家的表情是: can you believe it, she just asked how's notre dame?! 一言以蔽之,他们的评论是这样的: they are super rich, their alums are VERY helpful. If you are from Notre Dame, it means you know everyone.“
之前没了解过也,很好吗?但是这个network,get to know everyone是不是对白人而言的。。。 Do super rich alums have anything to do with poor Asians?
-- by 会员 yiyiamy (2010/11/17 22:32:35)
ND是天主教大学;对基督徒来说,没有人种分别,所有的基督徒都是兄弟姐妹。看过一幅黑奴手铐着的漫画,配说明曰:Am I not a man and not your brother? 给白人奴隶主基督徒很大震撼;所以解放黑奴肇始于耶稣、保罗---;你是基督徒他们会对你很好的。