If you visit the Quantnet forums, you hear a lot of negative comments about Fordham and its promises of Internship placements. I was wondering if zmimi or anyone who is currently/or have graduated at Fordham can comment on that. I am planning on applying to MFE programs in NYC for 2011, and Fordham has a decent presence in NYC. The only thing holding me back from applying is the quantnet comments, and its short-length of existence. Thanks! -- by 会员 onthesc (2010/12/5 2:32:16)
我问过一个学姐和一个学长,学姐是Fordham2009年毕业MBA的,毕业就在NY工作了,他说MQF的人天天对着电脑,能学到东西,很累,前两年市场不景气,就业不是很明朗。 另一个学长是在读Poly的MFE,他说Fordham的有的童鞋还要早自习,天天都是课,可见学习压力比较大,同样,可以学到很多东西。 至于实习,我个人感觉基本可以保证,但unpaid或者既是是paid的实习,对于full-time的工作是不能保证的。 -- by 会员 figoliuxi (2010/12/5 11:03:02)
POLY的FE怎样啊 |