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[学校信息] 我在CMU的MISM生活

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发表于 2011-3-5 18:44:52 | 只看该作者
今天刚收到CMU MISM的AD,好帖~应该能和LZ做校友了~
发表于 2011-4-2 02:20:40 | 只看该作者
嗨,你好,在CD上看了您关于CMU MISM的介绍,觉得相当不错哦,但我本科是在美国学金融,没有工作经验,不知道申MISM的可能性有多少?
还有,MISM要求有哪些prerequisite courses呢,我目前已经学了微积分1和2,统计1.
打算下学期再学lliner algebra, differential equation 和 computer programming 1,主要讲JAVA的,不知道是否会符合要求?或者还有哪些课学了会更符合MISM的录取要求?
发表于 2011-6-19 18:04:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-2-23 19:20:11 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-2-23 19:20:55 | 只看该作者
这个专业,我觉得去ORCALE, SAP之类的,都比去GS, BARCLAY好。 金融机构的IT部门,实在是能不去就不去。
-- by 会员 zbb88 (2010/11/12 10:47:52)

是的。敲边鼓不是长久之计。但悖论的就是,想去oracle的,会直接读computer science,而不是这个专业。
-- by 会员 HiCD (2010/11/12 10:51:30)

原来CMU这个专业是给IB输送technology人才的呀~   MSFE呢 就业面比这个广?
IB的招人标准对小本和master不一样吗?   至少我所知道的国外IB小本的专业五花八门  没几个学金融的
大IB会有自己的"University"培训很完善  我感觉AC考查的是这个人怎么样不是专业知识有多少
至于CFA   MS做trader的跟我说 CFA不太受重视 有业绩是实在的
JP MORGAN主要是通过几轮off-cycle internship招人

很多东西好像跟国内不太一样哦~ 你觉得呢~~~高人
-- by 会员 wgkd33 (2010/11/19 9:18:10)

IBD cares 95% prestige school brand and personality
S&T cares 80% prestige school brand and how smart u r
Quant cares 50% prestige school brand and ur math/programming
Bank Tech cares 30% prestige school brand and ur programming

I don't agree
这个专业,我觉得去ORCALE, SAP之类的,都比去GS, BARCLAY好。 金融机构的IT部门,实在是能不去就不去。

After 3 Years, developer in Oracle or same level company could get 120K total, raised from 100K, no big exception.
A FO IT developer could get 120K base plus 20-50% bonus, depends on ur team and performance.
The difference becomes larger and larger after years.

So traditional IT firm is good for ppl who want a good life style and stable pay. IT in Finance is totally depends on ur effort and team. For example, total compensation of developers in high freq team with strong in c++/algo skill can get as twice/third as IT in those more BO team. Not even mention tech focus buy side firm like HRT/Citadel. A very senior tech position (MD level) in hedge fund can get 500K base according to some job postings I saw.

Of course you can argue, 120K+20-50% is nothing compared with trader, even with quant. but not everyone want to or can be those more FO position. The only comparable thing is only between peers. It makes no sense to compare duck with chicken. For most of people, 200K+ in 10 years is already a pretty sharp number, more than most of non-FO ppl in IB like those operations/MO/PC. So can you say those guy should suiside or quit job immediately?

Current financial industry does not quite often consider IT as cost center any more. Many new trading activities/regulations are driven by technology. For some specific area like electronically trading/prime service/high freq, technology itself is business. I'm not saying it is better than FO position, but at least it is not just something like building a HR website/reporting system. I admit there are many positions in bank IT does shit work but usually people from good school like CMU won't land into those position

Therefore my suggestion to MISM student:

If you can break into MSFT/Goog/FB, or technology position in those prestige buy side firms, it is the best career for technology path
If you could land offer from real consulting firm, it is the best career for business path

After these two, I think technology in bank is the best choice for those passionate young students. Choose the positions with direct interaction to desk. If you are really smart and have a good personality and willing to work 8hrs under huge pressure(trader) or 12+ hrs(quant) , it is possible to break into FO (. If you want a good life, a nice position in bank IT could give you pretty good compensation (more than most other non-management work in other industries) without ruining your life.
-- by 会员 diablo2man (2010/12/1 13:51:53)

发表于 2012-2-23 20:31:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-2-23 21:46:59 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-7-18 20:37:49 | 只看该作者
发表于 2016-6-12 13:50:35 | 只看该作者
diablo2man 发表于 2010-12-1 13:51
这个专业,我觉得去ORCALE, SAP之类的,都比去GS, BARCLAY好。 金融机构的IT部门,实在是能不去就 ...

发表于 2017-1-12 20:52:41 | 只看该作者
Thanks for sharing !!
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