which是可以跳过介词短语或者插入语的,但是不能跳过谓语动词。但这题中which跳跃多远都不对,这里WHICH是指代前面整个句子的意思,而这在GMAT中是一定错的。sediments are consistent with the growth of industrial activity there逻辑意思有错误,只有finding,result,means,forms之类的抽象名词才能be consistent with , 某个具体的东西不行。 -- by 会员 kevin0214 (2010/11/6 23:11:33)
恩,多谢回复。 我想让你看一下OG12 紫皮,107,的C选项。那个里面的which为啥不能跳过介词短语或者插入语,指代 技术 呢 ? -- by 会员 jbc88 (2010/11/7 13:26:39)
首先,可以跳跃不是意味着必定跳跃,当which前面有很多个名词的时候,不是只要有一个正确,which就会自动地正确地指代到那个词的。相反,GMAT会优先判断这是修饰混乱。所以,最好不要有跳跃指代,如果非跳不可,最好是使用单复数区分which的指代词。 目前只见过A of B,which可以指代A,还有,A in B,which可以指代A,主要都发生在介词短语中。A选项可以我理解是因为CALLED从句表达的只是tech的另一个名字而已,本质上是同一东西,指代谁逻辑上都没有歧义。目前我找到的which强悍地跳跃,无视前面的名词的非常少,而且基本都不出现在选项中,都是未画线部分。
大全320From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage yet was so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids.
大全561. One pervasive theory explains the introduction of breakfast cereals in the early 1900s as a result of the growing number of automobiles, which led to a decline in horse ownership and a subsequent grain glut 大全775 . The Forbidden City in Beijing, from which the emperors ruled by heavenly mandate, was a site which no commoner or foreigner could enter without permission, on pain of death.
大全775 . The Forbidden City in Beijing, from which the emperors ruled by heavenly mandate, was a site which no commoner or foreigner could enter without permission, on pain of death.