我觉得X_TonY_X说得有道理,不过我也没有找到理论依据,只找到下面这些,与大家分享: whatever PRONOUN: 1. Everything or anything that: Do whatever you please. 2. What amount that; the whole of what: Whatever is left over is yours. 3. No matter what: Whatever happens, we'll meet here tonight. 4. Informal Which thing or things; what: Whatever does he mean? 5. Informal What remains and need not be mentioned; what have you: Please bring something to the party–pretzels, crackers, whatever. ADJECTIVE: 1. Of any number or kind; any: Whatever requests you make will be granted. 2. All of; the whole of: She applied whatever strength she had left to the task. 3. Of any kind at all: No campers whatever may use the lake before noon. INTERJECTION: Used to indicate indifference to or scorn for something, such as a remark or suggestion: We're having pizza tonight.–Whatever. I don't care. USAGE NOTE: Both whatever and what ever may be used in sentences such as Whatever (or What ever) made her say that? Critics have occasionally objected to the one-word form, but many respected writers have used it. The same is true of the forms whoever, whenever, wherever, and however. In adjectival uses, however, only the one-word form is used: Take whatever (not what ever) books you need. •When a clause beginning with whatever is the subject of a sentence, no comma should be used: Whatever you do is right. In most other cases, a comma is needed: Whatever you do, don't burn the toast. •When a noun followed by a restrictive clause is preceded by whichever or whatever, it is regarded as incorrect to introduce the clause with that in formal writing: whatever book that you want to look at; one should write instead Whatever book you want to look at will be sent to your office or Whichever book costs less (not that costs less) is fine with us.