替LZ分担一下...之前有发邮件给WUSTL...回复说今年是第一年收雅思成绩...所以也不知道什么样的成绩更competitive... 这是原文..."The coming year will be the first time Olin has accepted IELTS scores in addition to the TOEFL, so I do not know at this point what score level on IELTS will be competitive. The average TOEFL score for students whom we admitted to our MACC program for Fall 2010 was approximately 105. " 觉得回复的态度挺nice的... ============================= 然后还是要向LZ请教: 那个2-semester和3-semester的不同只是internships吗?是学校给找好了还是自己去找? 因为想降低留学成本所以想速战速决,lz对这两个options有什么看法么? 还有这个program其实适不适合accounting undergraduate上?看到很多课都是在大学已经修过了的... thx~ -- by 会员 kurikuri (2010/9/21 0:52:57)
2-semester的基本没有internship的可能,3-semester的有internships,但毕业时间不能再尴尬了,找工作很不方便 |