The artist renoir’s last word was “ flowers”, spoken as they arranged a bouquet of roses just picked from his garden in a vase on his bedroom windowsill
As a bouquet of roses had been just picked from his garden and was being arranged
As a bouquet of roses just picked from his garden was being arranged
During the arrangement of a bouquet of roses just picked from his garden
While they arranged a bouquet of roses that had just been picked from his garden
in addition to being china’s first administrators , in the sense that they developed a coherent bureaucracy for their empire , the first literate culture in east asia were the shang, and they were well known for crafting ornate bronze ritual vessels
the first literate culture in east asia were the shang, well known as the crafters of
the shang , as the first literate culture in east asia, is well known for its crafting
the shang were the first literate culture in east asia and are well known as the crafters of
the shang were the first literate culture in east asia and well known for its crafted
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-26 9:14:26编辑过] |