Most insomnia is not an illness or a physical condition so much as a symptom of another problem that may simply be a reaction to certain medications, anxiety about travel, or stress before a job interview. illness or a physical condition so much as a symptom of another problem that may simplybe a reaction to certain medications illness or a physical condition so much as symptomatic of another problem that may be a simple one, like a reaction caused by certain medications much an illness or a physical condition but a symptom of another problem that may be as simple as when certain medications cause a reaction much an illness or a physical condition, but it is a symptom of another problem, maybe a simple one like certain medications causing a reaction much an illness or a physical condition but symptomatic of another problem, maybe simply a reaction to certain medications 答案是A,我选的是E 关于A,有没有这样的so...that...用法,还有,that在那里不是很像定语从句吗