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发表于 2010-6-28 18:19:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
AA:The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of Aurora, a company that sells organic milk (milk produced without the use of chemical additives): “

Sales of organic food products in this country have tripled over the past five years. If Aurora is to profit from this continuing trend, we must diversify and start selling products such as organic orange juice and organic eggs in addition to our regular product line. With the recent increase of articles in health magazines questioning the safety of milk and other food products, customers are even more likely to buy our line of organic products. And to help ensure our successful expansion, we should hire the founder of a chain of health-food stores to serve as our vice president of marketing.”

the president of Aurora in the argument is trying to reach the conclusion that Aurora have a great develop stategy and it will bring a great reward to Aurora. The conclusion is based on the assertion that customers are even more likely to buy the line of organic products from Aurora. To support the conclusion the president reason that the sales of organic food products in this country have tripled over the past five years. At the first glance,the argument appears to be somewhat convincing,but further reflection reveals that the argument have several flaws which couldn't substantiate the conclusion.

first, the president commits a fallacy of 'all things are static'.the fact that Sales have tripled over the past five years is not a sounded evidence to support the conclusion drawn from it. the president assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained the same at different time. however, it is not clear in the memorandum whether the current conditions are the same as they used over past five years. thus,it is impossible to conclude that the sale can still improve as before.

second. the president examples the majority product is welcome by the market. but one evidence is not a sounded evidence to support the conclusion that other kinds of product are welcome by the public too. thus it is not a good indicator of future trend. in facing such limited evidence,the conclusion is completedly unwarranted.

third. the questioning cited by the president is too vague to be informative. the survey doesn't indicate who were surveyed and who responded or when,where and how the survey was conducted. lacking information about the number of people surveyed and the number of responded, it is impossible to trust the validity of the result. for example,if 200 people bought the magazines and only 100 responded in the magazines,thus the conclusion that customers are even more likely to buy the organic product is highly suspected. until these questiones are answered in the argument, the questioning is worthless as evidence to support the conclusion of president.

Final. the president falsely depends on the gratuitous assumption that Aurora can improve the sale after hiring the founder of a chain of health food-stores to serve as their president marketing. however, no evidence is stated in the argument to support the conclusion. this is not necessary the case. it is also more likely that the founder will possible change the style of management of Aurora so that the founder will cause side-effect to Aurora. it is impossible to trust founder's effect to Aurora without ruling out such possibility.

in conclusion, the president in the memorandum is trying to justify his argument but in vain by leaving several key issues. to better embrace the conclusion,he should gather more data in the memorandum and analysis more rigorous. he should provides more detail about the question in the health magazines at least so that the argument is more convincing and thorough.

AI“In business courses, professors should teach only factual information and skills, not ethics.”

Recently,there is a debate over whether professor should teach both ethics and skills in business courses. the issue of teaching ethics is a complex and controversial one. different people hold different view due to different background. thorefore, there seem to be not a universal answer and the answer might be quite different in specific stituation. from my perspective,after pondering some concern,considering the complex issue account,i am inclined to support the view that professor should tech factual information,skill as well as ethics.

in one hand, i am relative in favor of the idea the statement expressed above that business college take serious about the factual information and skill. the argument to be presented the view is that business refers to many complicated field and branch. in a business organization, people should have many business skills such as marketing,sale strategy,market research,media planning,customer support,community involvement,product pricing ,distribution and the like, all of which refers to complicated knowledge and skills. It is impossible that organization can get great profit in simple ways.both common sense and personal experience have told us that it's impossible to sucess for a business organization with ruling out such tools.

in another hand, i disagree that the people make profit under taking offensive behaviors,such as publishing the movie with violence and obscense content, making side-effect to the environment and the like. the point of mine is that although corporation get sucess and achieve large profit under the unethics behavior. but all of the profit is in the short term rather than in the long run. as enterprenuer,he should performans well according to the highest ethics so that the corportation can be accepted by the public. for example, enterprenuer who often donates some of his treasure to the charity units, he will get the great impression from the public and the public want to help his corporation in rewards. because the public know the enterprenuer earn the profit for the public themself,so the public will hope the corporation to earn more profit. at this time ,the enterprenuer not only earn the profit,but also get good impression from the public. it is important for the corporation in the long term.

in conclusion, the issue of teaching not only factual information and skills but also ethics seem to be very clear to us. the judgement of the issus can be only drawn in a objective and definite way rather than subjective ways. although so different are personal experience and emotion concern among the people with diverse culture that many people might not hold the same opinion. as it to me ,the professor should teach students recognize the ethics as well as how to practic it
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