请问学长学姐,我被Hofstra的I/O Psychology Master Program录取了,但是I20申请表格要求 This will need to be presented by a copy of an official bank statement or letter on bank letterhead stating in US Dollars that you have this money available to cover tuition, housing, food, books, etc. Official copies of all financial documents must be in English. You must also demonstrate the ability to pay all of the expenses for the length of your program however, these do not have to be in the form of liquid funds. 关键就那个斜体的那句话,说要我展示能付两年费用的能力,我觉得很奇怪,问了一个学长说去年没碰到这样的事情,问了给我发I20申请表的Jodi A. Duffy,说去年的学生说他们就给了一年的存款证明没有给两年的,她说他们瞎说,一定要给两年的。。。。然后还说那个第二年的固定资产是不行的。。。只能用股票债券和存款。。。 -- by 会员 kind03 (2012/4/7 17:30:35)
I20申请表上有学费预算的总数。假设两年是6w刀,那么最简单的办法就是开40w元的银行存款证明,然后换算成美元,填在申请表上。 |