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verbal review 2nd SC 59 请帮忙分析

发表于 2010-3-31 22:18:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
59) Certain pesticides can become ineffective if used
repeatedly in the same place: onereason is suggested
bythe finding that there are much larger populations
of pesticide-degrading microbes in soilswith a
relatively long history of pesticide use than in soils that
are free of such chemicals.<br>
(A) Certain pesticidescan become ineffective if
used repeatedly in the same place; one reason
is suggested by the finding that there are much
larger populations of pesticide-degrading
microbes in soils with a relatively long history of
pesticide use than in soils that are free of such
(8) If used repeatedly in the same place, one reason
that certain pesticides can become ineffective is
suggested by the finding that there are much
larger populations of pesticide-degrading
microbes in soils with a relatively long historyof
pesticide use than in soils that are free of such
(C) If used repeatedly in the same place, one reason
certain pesticides can become ineffective is
suggested by the finding that much larger
populations of pesticide-degradingmicrobes are
found in soils with a relatively long history of
pesticide usethan those that are free of such
(D) The finding that there are much larger populations
of pesticide-degrading microbes in soils with a
relatively long historyof pesticide use than in
soils that are free of such chemicals is
suggestiveof one reason, if used repeatedly in
the same place, certain pesticides can become
(E) Thefinding of much larger populations of
pesticide-degrading microbes in soilswith a
relatively long history of pesticide use than in
those that are free of such chemicals suggests
one reason certain pesticides can become
ineffective if used repeatedly in the same place<br><br>

我选了e,OA:A.  上可以简单排除d的is suggestive的选项。继而排除,one reason 后面没有that的选项,因为one 限定词,如果后面是个修饰性从句,that不可省。排除c和e。关于a和b,我猜想,one reason 应该是指,在“ if。。。的条件下,certain pesticides实效” 的原因,所以b错。但对于a和b我还是很纠结,<br><br>

从语法结构来说,为什么不能写成, if you are rich, one reason that she can marry you is suggested by the finding that  she's really in need of money. <br><br>
而写成,she can marry you if you are rich; one reason is suggested by the finding that ... 显得很好罗索。。。。 请指点,我的理解错在哪里呢?
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-31 22:22:15 | 只看该作者
我突然明白了,问题的关键是, if used。。。“useded” 的逻辑主语时pesticides,而不是reason。
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