I don't disagree with you. If you read my original post, I clearly said that if he's set on HF, he should go to HF. My comment above, which you responded to, was more about raising capital in an institutional setting and the value of your degree in that process. I have always said previous experience is a must, but having the complete package definitely helps as well. It's not about a MBA instead of your track record, it's about having a brand in addition to your track record. It also depends on his work experience (which I also alluded to). If he has Goldman and Citadel on his resume, then yea, adding Wharton doesn't really make a difference. But if it's not a well-known name, then just having the numbers won't be as ideal. Moreover, it's not just about the brand; it's also about the network.... As for taking two years off to go get a MBA, that's a personal decision. In my opinion, two years is a short time if you took the long term perspective of your career. Back in 2007, people right out of analyst programs were being promised $500K - $1MM at various funds. The attitude was definitely anti-business school. Even H/S/W MBAs were being questioned about their decision to get the degree in the first place. It was almost like "did you not get a promotion? couldn't find a job?". Of course, that was all before the financial crisis. Half of those funds are non-existent today. My point is, working for next two years has its own risks as well. He could make it big, or it could go belly up fast. In the end, the person has to decide what he wants to put on the table. -- by 会员 REgirl07 (2010/3/31 16:20:15)
1 但这并不是in addition的问题,LZ面临的选择就是:如果去读书,必然意味着少2年的经验,这在我看来是非常不值的。
2 LZ现在工作的基金并不小,而且亚洲对冲基金大的就这么几家,就这么点人,圈子就这么大,读个W,利用W network的marginal benefit有限。 哪怕真的为了所谓的branding, 跳槽也比脱产读书两年强。
3 正是因为工作有很大的risk,所以现在才更要工作。。 HF整个产业过于volatile, 说穿了,大多数的人就在里面搏运气,亚洲市场更是如此,特别特别是Equity Long/Short这种。。不可控因素太多了。。 在这个行业2年时间可是非常的宝贵。。多少基金根本就活不过5年。。如果08年那波没挺过去,被laid off了,那么自然回头读书,机会成本也小。但最艰难的时间都挺过来了,眼看着将来这段时间起码现在看起来市场还不错,既然还能赚,干嘛不继续赚下去?能捞多少捞多少,谁知道还能捞多久?哪天不能捞了再回头读书也不是不可以。。 作HF,最大的一个问题就是淘汰率太高,一旦淘汰转行去其它行业比较困难,不比banking。所以MBA是个很好的insurance.. LZ还不到30,干嘛不继续工作下去,如果4-5年后你还能存活,那么到时候你的工作经验已经不需要读MBA了。如果运气不好,被淘汰了,起码你钱赚到手了,那时候还能回头读个MBA,想干嘛干嘛去。。 现在赚钱时机不错,干嘛浪费那么宝贵的2年去读MBA?
PS:不知道现在香港是怎么样的,是不是每年的bonus直接就是cash, 不过将来一个很有可能的趋势就是像banking这样搞很恶心的vesting, 就对冲基金这种volatility, 一搞那东西你损失不是一点半点,所以还是趁现在能捞尽量捞。。。 |