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发表于 2010-3-18 11:33:54 | 只看该作者
白痴,不要看了几个人就认为世界就这样,过五年,过十年呢?现在market是star,以后发展就一定牛吗?不是star的对finance或者accounting以后就没有贡献了? 由背景来推断别人的发展和motivation,你真是神仙。还有不要装蜜蜂,就你英文好。
发表于 2010-3-18 11:53:48 | 只看该作者

不过即使lz做不了star,finance phd出路也比生物工程好。大家就不用纠结在lz应不应该转,出出主意好了
发表于 2010-3-18 12:20:00 | 只看该作者
You think my sample is small, what about your sample? Market stars would not necessarily become the leading scholars in the field, but statistically speaking market stars have a much higher likelihood of becoming the leading scholars in the field and I hope your dumb head can understand the meaning of statistically speaking. If finance and accounting job market is not large, then what about economics? Most of the big names in economics are market stars the year when they went on the job market. I wrote in English because I am trained to think in English. I didn't elaborate the reason doesn't necessarily mean the reason doesn't exist. There are certain super smart people who can be the top in any field, but for most people there's a matching problem, the match between their different types of ability and  what kind of jobs they can be best at, and this ability is affected by past training as well. Anyway, this logic might be too deep for you.

白痴,不要看了几个人就认为世界就这样,过五年,过十年呢?现在market是star,以后发展就一定牛吗?不是star的对finance或者accounting以后就没有贡献了? 由背景来推断别人的发展和motivation,你真是神仙。还有不要装蜜蜂,就你英文好。
-- by 会员 lamefox (2010/3/18 11:33:54)
发表于 2010-3-18 12:58:51 | 只看该作者

发表于 2010-3-18 13:20:49 | 只看该作者
I am talking about skills and training, not sheer talent. This is just like some people are more adept to data, while others are better in pure logical reasoning and it has nothing to do with Nobel Prize. You completely missed the point.

Speaking of statistics, there's a paper in AER paper and proceedings, May 2007," What Does Performance     in Graduate School Predict? Graduate Economics Education and Student     Outcomes" (by Susan Athey, Larry Katz, Alan Krueger, James Poterba,     and Steve Levitt). One remark: All 5 are top economists, albeit in different field.  The main conclusion of the paper is that first-year micro and macro grades are statistically significant predictors of student job placement, even conditional on PhD completion.
Conditional on first-year grades, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, foreign citizenship,
sex, and having a prior master’s degree do not predict job placement. Students who attended elite undergraduate universities and liberal arts colleges are more likely to be placed in top-ranked academic jobs. It is not directly related to my point, but it definitely shed some light on it. But If you accept the argument that job market stars are usually placed to top ranked schools, you would agree that their conclusion is that job market candidates likely come from students doing perfectly in their first-year studies and students graduating from top colleges, and this is the so-called skill and training matching.


-- by 会员 xiaopanghu (2010/3/18 12:58:51)
发表于 2010-3-18 13:20:59 | 只看该作者

不过即使lz做不了star,finance phd出路也比生物工程好。大家就不用纠结在lz应不应该转,出出主意好了
-- by 会员 dandanapple (2010/3/18 11:53:48)

拜托先看一下谁先攻击谁,那个说英语的要用英语思考这个习惯倒是不错,但是真的方便的话拿点你的sample出来,我也是半路出家转专业大军中的一员,所以很想知道bernanke所谓的现在market star是从哪一年开始的这个趋势。 起码以前那些人wang jiang,pan jun 他们都是转的吧,难道都phd拿2个了,对原来的物理没有motivation?我不知道他们当时怎么想的,不过我猜工资差可能是他们再读的一个博士的原因吧!
发表于 2010-3-18 13:22:20 | 只看该作者
2000年左右毕业的现在做得很牛的比如Xiong Wei, Huang Ming, Pan Jun,Liu Jun,
Wang Neng 等等都是science尤其是physics background的,但是看看他们的research
area,Pan Jun完全是做fixed income的, Huang Ming最早也是做fixed income的,现在
转到behavioral asset pricing, Liu Jun也是做fixed income和derivatives出名的。
其实某次一个business school faculty说过,学science的人优势在于fixed income和
derivative, 需要很强的math background但不需要太多的institutional knowledge和
economic intuition

再看看最近几年毕业的做得很牛的比如Ai Hengjie, He Zhiguo, Gao Pingyang都是清
数学training(比如武大的double major和现在的清华经管)还是比这些science
background的更有advantage,因为natural science和social science就research
methodology还有思考问题的方式应该还是有很大的区别,长期接受natual science训
练的人一个是institutional knowledge不行另一个是思考问题的方式和business
school的不大合拍,因而除了在fixed income和derivatives这些competitive
corporate finance,比如capital markets research in accounting.而按照某位fixed
income research大牛的话说,fixed income is dead,加之这方面已经被前面的几个
subfield的路并不宽,最近几年这些job market star的background还是能说明一些问

不过即使lz做不了star,finance phd出路也比生物工程好。大家就不用纠结在lz应不应该转,出出主意好了
-- by 会员 dandanapple (2010/3/18 11:53:48)

拜托先看一下谁先攻击谁,那个说英语的要用英语思考这个习惯倒是不错,但是真的方便的话拿点你的sample出来,我也是半路出家转专业大军中的一员,所以很想知道bernanke所谓的现在market star是从哪一年开始的这个趋势。 起码以前那些人wang jiang,pan jun 他们都是转的吧,难道都phd拿2个了,对原来的物理没有motivation?我不知道他们当时怎么想的,不过我猜工资差可能是他们再读的一个博士的原因吧!
-- by 会员 martinwang83 (2010/3/18 13:20:59)
发表于 2010-3-18 13:29:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-3-18 13:30:11 | 只看该作者
没看出来怎么能支持你的结论:“Chinese job market stars in finance and accounting are all from traditional background”
发表于 2010-3-18 13:34:52 | 只看该作者
我也没看出来啊,这篇文章就分析了一下每个人做什么方面,虽然我finance一个门外汉,但是这些论据没法佐证你的结论,“Chinese job market stars in finance and accounting are all from traditional background”

按照你那篇在mitbbs上面的文章的标题“简单说说Business School Chinese 牛finance和accounting facu”
你上来第一段就说了几个物理的,而且说他们很牛,也就是说你承认他们是 job market stars?那他们的background呢?

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