以下是引用juan在2004-6-21 12:38:00的发言:
大全428 Inflation has made many Americans reevaluate their assumptions about the future; they still expect to live better than their parents have, but not so well as they once thought they could.
(A) they still expect to live better than their parents have
(B) they still expect to live better than their parents did (C) they still expect to live better than their parents had
(D) still expecting to live better than their parents had (B)
(E) still expecting to live better than did their parents marie MM: 那么为什么这里答案B可以用did代前面的live而不用lived呢? 谢谢指点。
It seems that a straight forward substitution (simple present -> simple past) is encouraged... another example:
OG 168B: Today, because of improvements in agricultural technology, the same amount of acreage produces twice as many apples as it did in 1910.
when it involves more complicated tenses, be very careful (meaning clear & concise ) in 92D and OG 187A:
In one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, fought at Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17, 1862, four times as many Americans were killed as would later be killed on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day.
fyi: there is a thread discussing the same issue: OG-92只有五天了,请NN们帮个忙.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-21 13:33:34编辑过] |