LZ总结的真精彩! 不过最后的两个例子,我个人觉得仍然更多的是从语义出发而这么设置的。 - The human nervous system bears a superficial resemblance to a telephone system both because the former carries information in the form of electrical impulses and because all of its neural pathways converge in the brain and spinal cord, which together form a kind of central exchange. “如果A和B都是单数,which后面动词复数,没有歧义,which修饰A and B。”按照LZ的这个总结,这里不用together应该不会造成歧义,但是OG仍然采用了which together。why? 我认为这里的which together更有一种which combine to form的意味,因为任何其中一个都不能单独form central exchange. - Unlike the shuttle and earlier spacecraft, which were capable of carrying sufficient power in fuel cells and batteries for their short flights, a permanently orbiting space station will have to generate its own electricity. 这句里同样是A and B, 但是任何一个都能够完成which从句中的动作,所以不需要combine to be capable ...(which together were) 始终语义是最为重要的~ Anyway, 这份总结很经典, 从中学到了很多。谢谢LZ付出的努力~~ 虽然是2年后了…… -- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/6/27 21:28:25)
很庆幸反倒最后一页看到了~ 哈哈 |