In the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the United States acquired 828,000 square miles for about four cents an acre, which more than doubled the country’s size and that brought its western border within reach of the Pacific Ocean. A. In the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the United States acquired 828,000 square miles for about four cents an acre, which more than doubled the country’s size and that brought B. For about four cents an acre the United States acquired, in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, 828,000 square miles, more than doubling the country’s size and it brought C. With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the United States acquired 828,000 square miles for about four cents an acre, more than doubling its size and bringingD. The United States, in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, for about four cents an acre, acquired 828,000 square miles, more than doubling the country’s size, bringingE. Acquiring 828,000 square miles in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the United States bought it for about four cents an acre, more than doubling the country’s size and bringing 这题说D错的都是说并列问题,可是我觉得并列反而不对,因为doubling和bringing的动作发出者是不同的,前者是土地,后者是购地的这个行为,所以应该用逗号隔开,bringing作为前面整个分局的伴随状语 所以坚持选D。 不知道NN们有什么想法??请赐教! -- by 会员 pennyrun (2010/1/29 0:05:54)
谈谈我的拙见哈。。。 1、语法要从句意入手,而不是从规则入手。 在原句中,double和brought是并列的意思,那么先判断这个并列是不是正确,显然这里两个动词做整个acquire行为的伴随是正确的; 2、D选项,in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, for about four cents an acre这种两个介词用逗号隔开的情况很少见,for about four cents an acre的修饰对象有歧义more than doubling the country’s size, bringing 这种情况的bring有修饰double的嫌疑,如果是同时修饰acquire应该有and。
C选项逻辑清楚很有层次,我的感觉是GMAT的正确句子都是很有层次的,像D这种断断续续的混乱的,一般不用深究都是错的。 从句意入手,是解难题的王道。切忌只顾所谓的语法规则。此乃无形胜有形。。。。