哎,21号,广州初战,遇到一道AI,当时看到就蒙了。题目足足看了五分钟。你说没看懂吧,也看懂了,就是不知道怎么写,一点思路也没有,所以一直一度怀疑我是不是题目看错了。 求NN们、TX们,给我一个思路哇。。。让我死得明白一点。明明考场环境很好,这篇作文一出现,我后背就有冷汗冒出来了。。。 鸡精中题目如下: Celebrities are uniquely qualified to address social problems because of their high-profile status and access to resources. (6次) (上月机经)celebrities are uniquely qualified in effectively addressing social problems,because of their high-profile status and access to resources -- by 会员 橘子阿布 (2010/1/28 19:50:24)
Just personal opinion. The reasons that celebrities qualified to address social problems: The celebrities that famous with reputation, leadership can lead people out of dilemma. The high-profile status can have influence to public, warrant once calm public from financial panic. celebrities easier to access resources , for example, the singers concert to raise fund for Haiti earthquake incident. |