实话实说,学生物的要在国外转行是最困难的,付出的艰辛和努力皆非常人 国内工作是上策,你要去做了Post Doc,那你很难达到你想要的目标 -- by 会员 WaterWalker (2010/1/26 23:24:51)
我做的方向是用于生物研究的光学成像仪器,属于工科,偏物理一点。生物方面的知识是属于了解需求做的知识储备。 -- by 会员 schliu (2010/1/26 23:50:05)
Optical Imaging? PET? CT? fMRI? Those look like Biomed. You will have chance to get into medical devices company like Philips, Siemens, GE, but far away from pharm if you are in U.S. But story may change if you are in China. Biomed usually attracts excellent students who want to get into medical school but fail to pay the high roll to medical school. 还是在国内找个好工作吧,在美国你当博后做什么呢?还年轻啊。 -- by 会员 WaterWalker (2010/1/27 0:07:16)
Yes, my major is BioMedical Engineering. but our imaging techniques refers to modern microscopic techniques for biological research, exp. observing the structrual / functional information of biological molecules. I could not get the information of your refering to my age regarding the postdoc thing. Thanks for you suggestions. |