恩,同意ls几位的看法,对于这个问题可以有两个方式,一种是直接地指代最后的那个动作,另一种是第二层动作,比如fail和have。另外,我觉得关于sell的问题,比如畅销书的翻译是best seller,就是说书是seller,那么sell的主语可以是东西,而且我看老友记中常常有这样的表达方式,something could sell itself,所以sell这个词好像没有太强烈的主动或被动的概念。
我想请问下,ABDE如果改成以下形式是不是也是对的? A: their wines have been priced to sell, and they do B: their wines are priced to sell, and they do D: their wines are being priced to sell, and they do E: their wines have been priced to sell, and they do
又仔细地看了一遍og的解释,似乎and前后的时态要保持一致,所以ls改的ADE还是不对的。读着也有点怪,their wines have been priced to sell, and they do。所以这么说来,have作为助动词和一般的比如fail to do是不同的,只能用have done来指代?我也不是很确定了,期待nn解答