If everything you try is something that you think you 还能“够”到, then you haven't really challenged yourself. You're just doing things that are difficult, but that you knew you would be able to do. That is not what makes you stronger. totolin116> I have many experiences that are similar with you. But I have never felt disrespected in class. It's tough, but when that happens, sometimes you must stand your ground, and tell your teammates: "I made it in here just like you did. I have important ideas to contribute. And I believe you must hear me out." Remember, the older and more experienced someone is, the smarter they may be, but the more stubborn they tend to get, and the worse they get at listening to others. That is the weakness of many who think they are 'smart, experienced, capable'. They no longer know how to challenge themselves to make themselves stronger. After all, if they're so 'smart, experienced, capable', they think, why do they even NEED to make themselves stronger anymore? So, they stop listening. It's your job to shake them out of their arrogance, and remind them that they don't know everything. I'm glad you've had a fantastic experience in the end; as I did. It's been quite a journey, no? Jason -- by 会员 jelt2359 (2010/1/27 21:55:57)
Jason兄弟,我很羡慕你有跟他们正面对峙的勇气和口才。我这类小妹put my foot down 的能力不是很强。我都是默默努力,等有一天突然写了个很好的paper, 做了很好的presentation, 考试拿了很高的分,找到了一份很好的工作,别人才刮目相看。包括现在工作,有时我明明知道自己是对的,就是没有足够勇气撑下去,最后虽然他们都知道自己错了,但却令项目也受损了。这是我的一大缺点,有空还请你多赐教阿,哈。
嗯,这两年的确是像天天在坐过山车。不过最后感觉很畅快。你也加油。 |