the writer seems to think univ. of chicago is much more inferior to duke. is that really so? in the latest US News ranking chicago is ranked higher than duke. -- by 会员 wordance (2009/12/24 13:19:18) [/quote]
这个不奇怪,Duke Uni今年在US News上排第十,可能是它十年来最低的排名了。它曾排到过第四,前几年也连续排到No.8, 在Uni Chicago之上的。当然大学排名对MBA指导意义不大啦。
我问过好几个不同阶层的老美,都说Duke是one of the best Uni in US, 而且老美特迷大学篮球联赛,几乎都知道Duke的team和Coach K。-- by 会员 Marathon (2009/12/24 15:34:41) [/quote]
ha i also know coach K! |