请问楼主一哈 今年Essay的第一题如下,问了很多小问题。回答的时候是按照顺序一一做答,还是书写一整篇,只要通篇覆盖这些问题就好。不一定非要按照问题的顺序。 Give us a brief assessment of your career progress to date. In what role do you see yourself working in immediately after graduation and what is your longer term career vision? How will your past and present experiences help you to achieve this? How will the London Business School MBA Programme contribute to this goal? Why is this the right time for you to pursue an MBA? -- by 会员 quinki (2010/9/9 0:01:23)
这几个小问题紧密相关,逻辑连贯。作为过来人,我的建议是在Essay中按顺序覆盖这几个小问题。同时,注意表述连贯顺畅,而不是简单的罗列和堆积对每个小问题的回答。这几个问题,其实也是对自己过去的回顾评估和对未来的规划。MBA是承上启下,帮助你实现未来规划的一个方面。 |