On account of a law passed in 1993, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold gold in the form of bullion or coins, immigrants found that on arrival in the United States they had to surrender all of the gold they had brought with them.
想请教各位大侠一个很基础又很复杂的问题!就是那些表示因为的短语到底后面接什么?本人是语法菜鸟! 比如说because of , on account of ,due to , because 等等都接什么?请各位回答时不要说得太专业,像什么状语成分之类的专业名字本人一律不懂的!最好解释得通俗点!然后要是有例子就更好拉 !我这里有一个例子!不过我凭感觉觉得很简单!有几个很难排除我找不到了!请NN们补充!感激不尽!回来给各位奉献JJ 。
On account of a law passed in 1993, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold gold in the form of bullion or coins, immigrants found that on arrival in the United States they had to surrender all of the gold they had brought with them.
A. On account of a law passed in 1993, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold
B. With a law passed in 1933 that makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold
C. A law passed in 1933 that made it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen holding
D. Because of a law passed in 1933 making it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen to hold
E. Due to a law being passed in 1933 that makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen to hold
Because比on account of和because of更常用,引导从句解释为什么 注(技巧):on account of doing 错,because of doing错,doing前one’s不能省; 而without doing 对,不能有one’s because of / on account of + 简单名词,不能加现在分词 due to的用法不是很清楚,大家多补充